How To Heal Your Chakras

In Hinduism, the chakras are energy centers that run through our body. Life and health flow through them. In addition, they communicate and balance internal and external energy.

Learn more about how to heal your chakras in this article.

Basic facts about the chakras

To be able to address this issue we would need hours and hours, therefore, it is good that you know, at least, the most important thing.

The word chakra derives from Sanskrit and means “wheel of energy” or “wheel of light.” These centers are connected to each other by energy flows and, in turn, regulate our contact with the Universe.

There are seven main chakras that connect our spine, from the base to the head, these are:

Base or root

The color is dark red and is located in the perineum, between the anus and the genitals. It is blocked by fear and, when this occurs, causes sciatica pain, ovarian, uterine or rectal cancer, constipation, prostate problems, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and immune disorders.

It also causes frustration, emotional instability, depression, and low self-esteem.

Sexual or from the base

The color is orange and is located in the internal female organs, the bladder, the pelvis, the intestine and the buttocks. The blockage causes lumbar and pelvic stress, sciatica, chronic fatigue, impotence, diabetes, cancer, irritable bowel, and kidney and bladder infections.

Emotionally, it causes anxiety, fear, jealousy, distrust and concern.

Solar plexus

It is yellow in color and is located below the navel, also encompassing the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, stomach, small intestine and rib cage.

The imbalances of its blockage cause respiratory and immune problems, bulimia, anorexia, diabetes, heartburn, ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, cirrhosis and arthritis.

Emotionally, it causes victimization, stress, anger, frustration, guilt, doubt and a need for constant approval.

to meditate


It is green in color and is blocked with pain and grief. It also includes the lungs, spine, sinuses, esophagus, and nervous system. The problems caused by its blockage are heart and respiratory diseases, breast cancer, angina pectoris, pneumonia, hypertension and pain in the spine.

Emotionally: passivity, depression, insensitivity and pain.

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It is sapphire blue in color and includes the mouth, larynx, gums, trachea, thyroid gland, cervical spine, teeth, and shoulders. Its imbalance causes sore throats, bleeding gums, dysphonia, allergies, flu and chronic infections.

In the emotional, obsession, depression, fears, phobias, indecision and stagnation.

Third eye or forehead

The color is indigo blue and includes the nose, ears, eye, pineal and pituitary glands, nervous system, and brain. Problems from the blockage are headache, brain tumor, blindness, deafness, seizures, strokes, and spinal problems.

The emotional effects are fear, phobia, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia, panic, and depression.


It is purple in color and includes the top of the head. The effects of its blockage on the body are chronic fatigue, hypersensitivity to light and sound, skin problems and musculoskeletal disorders.

When it comes to feelings, loss of purpose, loss of connection with the divine, worry, depression, closed mind and discontent.

How to know if the chakras are blocked?

It is necessary to carry out a kind of test to determine if any of our chakras is blocking the passage of energy to the others and if there is more than one blocked.

You simply have to answer questions for each chakra. If most of the answers are negative, that may be the chakra to unlock.

First chakra (root)

Are you feeling vibrant, healthy? Do you feel like home? Do you have a strong desire to live? Do you love your body and think it is a wonderful treasure? Are you a person full of energy and movement? Are you bold?

Second chakra (sacral)

Do you have a healthy sex drive? Do you feel full in sex? Can you express yourself sexually? Can you give and receive pleasure?

Third chakra (solar plexus)

Do you know what you want and do you have confidence in yourself? Can you make decisions on your own? Are you aware of your emotions? Can you control what you feel? Do you feel that you are emotionally balanced?

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Fourth chakra (heart)

Do you have healthy relationships? Do you love yourself Do you love those around you? Do you feel compassion for living things? Do you accept others as they are? Are you good at cooperation? Do you have delivery capacity?

Fifth chakra (throat)

Can you express yourself easily? Do you lead a happy life? Do you take responsibility for your life? Do you solve the problems by yourself? Do you feel worthy of reward for your efforts? Do you have enough faith to take risks? Do you like challenges?

Sixth chakra (third eye)

Are you mentally strong? Do you have the ability to figure things out? Do you have creative ideas? Do you do your best to make your dreams come true? Do you visualize your goals?

Seventh chakra (crown)

Do you feel something great and wonderful? Do you feel connected to God or the Universe? Do you think your life has a purpose?

Affirmations to heal blockages in each chakra

During a meditation session, you can take advantage of phrases or mantras, words with a single syllable that are repeated several times (the best known is “OM”). For each chakra there is a specific affirmation and mantra.

  • For the first chakra : “I am one with all that I am, I am sure that I am loved.” The mantra is LAM.
  • For the second chakra: “I love myself, I honor myself today and all my life.” The mantra is VAM.
  • For the third chakra: “I am a powerful creator in my reality and I am passionate about that.” The mantra is RAM.
  • For the fourth chakra: “I am unconditional love and acceptance.” The mantra is YAM.
  • For the fifth chakra: “I am the car of my life. The power of choice is mine ”. The mantra is HAM.
  • For the sixth chakra: “It is safe for me to see the truth.” The mantra is OM (or AUM).
  • For the seventh chakra: “I am one with the present moment.” No mantra is used, because it is meditated in silence.

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