The Importance Of Active Breaks

Taking breaks at work to meditate or do some stretching will help release tension and improve posture. This, in turn, will result in greater well-being and productivity.

Generally, due to day-to-day responsibilities and stress, we forget the importance of active breaks. As its name suggests, the idea of ​​this practice is to interrupt any work activity and take a break to perform some simple exercises and release tension.

Those people who spend many hours in front of a computer, without changing position, usually have pain in some parts of the body, especially in the back. Hence, these sessions of physical activity are essential to avoid injuries and enjoy a good state of health in general. Next, we will tell you more about its importance.

Importance of active breaks

Stretch in the office

Having a suitable work chair and maintaining good posture does not guarantee that your body will not suffer if you spend a long time in the same position. However, sometimes there is no other choice due to the work that is done. For this reason, it is necessary to take advantage of the breaks in order to do something about it.

If you can take a walk of at least 5 minutes it would be perfect. If you don’t have a lot of time, take whatever minutes you have to do some stretches in the office itself. The important thing is that you change your position and move.

Regarding the importance of these sessions, a publication from the University of Berkeley points out that, if they are practiced every day, they are an excellent way to maintain concentration, prevent fatigue and relieve body stiffness.

Some people find this kind of activity a bit difficult because they are embarrassed, especially if they share an office with others. Luckily, the stretches aren’t extremely flashy and your joints and bones will thank you. Also, you can always move to a quieter area to attract less attention.

Some of them can be done while sitting, although the ideal, if this is the most used position during the day, is to be standing. Either way, the goal will be to stretch the muscles and release the accumulated tension from the body.

When you go back to what you left pending, you will notice that you feel more awake and prepared to face another period of time sitting. Do not forget to do them in the middle of the day and at the end of it. Your body will thank you!

What happens if you work standing up?

Importance of active breaks: they help us release tension

It is often thought that active breaks are only suitable for those who have to work seated. Thus, there is the false belief that people who work standing up need to sit down and rest during breaks. This is a mistake.

Active breaks are also necessary and important for those who work standing up. Performing certain stretches, especially in the legs, will help to release accumulated tension and relax the muscles. Some stretches can be done sitting down.

Taking active breaks when you have been standing for a long time will prevent any tension in the legs that can lead to cramps or calf raises. In addition, it will help you prepare to spend more hours on your feet and do it feeling that your body is more relaxed.

Also, taking an active break in these cases would contribute to a better posture. This, since, with the passing of the hours, the body loses its good alignment due to fatigue. The above could cause discomfort in some area.

Active breaks and the mind

Active breaks also refer to our mind

So far, we have exposed the benefit of active breaks as purely physical. However, it must be specified that doing them daily and in the proper way would also have a positive impact on mental health.

This is indicated by a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health in which it is also commented that active rest, in the workplace, would be useful to improve personal relationships and physical activity among workers.

To achieve complete relaxation not only of the body but of the mind, in stretching you can take advantage of breathing exercises, focus on the sensations of your body, feel the stretch and forget about the worries of work, even for a few minutes.

If you are not able to concentrate, you can try a short meditation. It doesn’t take a long time. With just one or two minutes you can carry it out. The important thing is that nobody interrupts you and you can achieve a good state of concentration. So combining active physical pauses with ones for the mind is very beneficial.

Have you ever used active breaks at work? From the first time you do it, you will realize how good they make you feel. Your mind will refresh and your body will rest for at least a few minutes.

This habit will make you return to work more motivated and eager, especially if you still have a few more hours to dedicate to it. We encourage you, then, to try them so that you discover for yourself the benefits and importance of giving your body a short rest.

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