What Is Worse? A Sweet Binge Or A Salty Binge?

To avoid binge eating when hunger appears suddenly, it is advisable to always have healthy foods on hand, such as fruits and natural juices. Find out if that craving has its origin in some lack.

At certain times of the day or times of the year we have an irrepressible desire to eat or, rather, to eat whatever. Some opt for sweet things and others for salty ones. But beyond this first difference, the truth is that, if we go overboard with whatever we have chosen, we can binge.

In this article we will tell you if a sweet binge is worse or a salty one, so that the next time you have a craving, you think a little better before falling into the classic binge.

Fats vs. Sugars on a Binge: Which is the Worst?

If they asked us if fat, salt, sugar or carbohydrates are worse, we would surely answer that the first.

Greasy foods are classified as “worse enemies” than sweets. Fats are blamed for causing obesity, cholesterol, clogged arteries … However, this type of food is not solely responsible for these problems so common in today’s society.

It is true that foods rich in fat have more calories than carbohydrates (9 kcal / g versus 4 kcal / g respectively), but it is also true that fats are necessary for the diet, as long as they are consumed in adequate amounts. In fact, there are healthy fats that have been shown to provide benefits to the body, such as good protection for the cardiovascular system, for example.

Fats provide the “fuel” we need to carry out activities, help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K, are part of steroid hormones and bile acids. In addition, they supply fatty acids to the brain. So, are they the good ones from the movie? Not necessarily.

There are three different types of fat:

  • Unsaturated (which are divided into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated).
  • The saturated ones (present in whole dairy products and meats).
  • Trans fats (which are artificially formed and are found in margarines, pastries, and various manufactured foods). There is evidence that these are harmful to health.

For a long time he put the three of them in the same group and, to put it in some way, they were called bad. That is why it was said that “eating carbohydrates was better than eating fat.”

What about sugar? Is it as dangerous as they say?

Eat donut


The sugary products that we choose when we binge are mostly refined. This means that they have gone through a manufacturing process (or transformation) where the fibers and nutrients have been removed. It is necessary to know that there are “good” hydrates: those that we find in whole grains and fruits. These sugars enter the body in a moderate way and provide us with stable and long-term energy.

On the other hand, when we eat cookies, sweets or white flour, we provoke a spike in insulin, a fuel that does not last long and, if we do not burn it, it is stored as fat. This is stated in a study published in Current Diabetes Reports.

Refined carbohydrates are enemies to the heart. Diets that contain too much of them raise the risk of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Endogenous saturated fat production increases and with it the chances of heart attacks.

Does what we eat in a binge say something about us? Sweet vs. salty

“Tell me you want to overeat and I will tell you what the body needs.” This is how this explanation could be summarized. The body “asks” for one food and not another for one reason (or more).

1. Chocolate

If you constantly want to eat chocolate, it is not only because you are a heavy sweet tooth, but because your body lacks magnesium.

80% of the population lacks this nutrient. To make the intake of this sweet healthier, try to get tablets with more cocoa. Supplement the diet with nuts, green vegetables, and fish.

2. Sweets

In addition to chocolate, we may want to eat sweet things, such as cakes or cookies. In this case we could experience changes in blood sugar levels.

At lunch or dinner, choose legumes and other high-fiber foods to avoid these imbalances.

3. Appetizers

The desire to eat these foods usually appears in the afternoons or nights. Stress affects the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys and responsible for providing us with energy.

4. Red meat

Some people have meat cravings and that may be due to iron deficiency.

The desire for a hamburger or a steak can also appear in women when they are on their period since this nutrient drops considerably. It can be solved by eating legumes such as lentils or plums.

5. Cheeses

If you put a lot of grated cheese on pasta or eat small pieces at any time of the day, your body is telling you that it is lacking Omega 3 fatty acids. You can make up for this deficiency with walnuts, flaxseed oil or salmon.

Keys to avoid a sweet or salty binge

We already know what each type of craving is due to and the advantages and disadvantages of fats and sugars. However, that is not enough to put aside binge eating.

Some advices:

  • Eat occasional sweets and a square of dark chocolate before going to sleep.
  • Reduce sugar intake in herbal teas and drink natural fruit juices.
  • Flavor with cinnamon, vanilla, or citrus.
  • Eat a banana when you want something sweet.
  • Do not buy snacks or sweets and keep natural options in the fridge, such as chickpea puree or eggplant.
  • Leave out canned, cold cuts, and hard cheeses.  Eat rice crackers with skim white cheese instead of French fries.
  • Do the shopping after lunch to avoid impulsive choices.
  • Put fruits, vegetables or nuts in view, in cupboards or refrigerator.
  • Season with herbs and spices.
  • Go out for exercise when the urge to eat appears or do an activity that doesn’t allow you to think about food.

Improve diet to preserve health

When asked if a salty binge or a sweet binge is worse, the answer is both! It all depends on the quantities, the type of food and the times that this desire to eat appears.

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