What Is The Secret To Burning Fat Properly?

The secret to burning accumulated fat is none other than burning more calories than you eat. Therefore, in conjunction with a hypocaloric diet, an exercise routine should be adopted.

Getting rid of excess fat is an important issue not only for the aesthetic aspect, but for health. And, being overweight gives rise to many harmful diseases.

The problem itself is not wanting to burn fat; It is normal and it is good to want to do it, but  the existing alternatives do not end up being correct or, simply, they become like a complete torment and some are even harmful to health.

However, the problem does not lie in the illogical insistence on using the different solutions, but in the ignorance of the majority of people. Usually, due to ignorance, they end up using the first thing on the list of alternatives.

Misleading alternatives

Misleading alternatives

Sometimes, for simple laziness to inform themselves on the subject, many people follow the advice of the first thing they find on television or magazines, since day after day they are bombarded with information about weight loss.

The following are the most common misleading fat-burning alternatives offered by advertising:

  • Reducing girdles.
  • Pills to speed up the metabolism.
  • Fat burning clothing.
  • Miraculous elixirs.
  • Electronic devices.

These are just some of the examples that we can see daily but if we continue with the list we would find many more options. The funny thing is that all the products mentioned in it have one characteristic in common, they do not need to be accompanied by activity or physical exercise.

What is the secret to burning fat?

This is the question that many of us ask ourselves, taking into account the resounding failure of most of the products mentioned in the article to achieve the main objective, which is the elimination of fat.

Beyond being a secret, the answer is to know yourself in terms of body mass. It would be illogical to approach a diet change without even knowing what weight we are at or what our BMI or Body Mass Index is.



The first step to recognize our body is based on the knowledge of metabolism. This is the process by which the nutrients ingested in the diet are converted into the energy necessary for the body to fulfill all its functions.

These include:

  • Breathing.
  • Secretion.
  • Digestion.

Likewise, it is essential to bear in mind that metabolism varies depending on the person. This process depends on three fundamental factors:

  • Thermogenesis of physical activity : fat burning depends on the exercise performed. It is directly proportional, which means, the greater the physical effort, the more calories are burned. Keep in mind that physical activity itself has proven to be an effective method of promoting weight loss.
  • Thermogenic effect of food : the body uses energy to assimilate the main nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fat).
  • Basal metabolism : amount of energy consumed by the body under normal conditions (without physical effort).



Calories are a source of energy for the body. They are obtained through food ingested in the diet. They are necessary to live and related to the functioning of the body, either at rest or under normal conditions.

The calories consumed in the diet must be controlled if you want to lose weight and burn excess fat. However, regulation must be done with caution in order to avoid problems.

Caloric deficit to burn fat

This state occurs when the body uses more calories than it gets. This factor is considered the secret to burn fat properly. In case of having extra adipose tissue, it is recommended to keep the body in a caloric deficit. This is how we will achieve our goal.

Low-calorie diets are what generate this imbalance in the energy balance that results in weight loss. This is evidenced by a study published in Nutrition . However, if carbohydrates are cycled properly, that is when the best results are achieved.

How to get into a caloric deficit?

According to what is exposed throughout the article, it is possible to reach this state. By adopting a diet in which calories are subtracted per day and in turn, increasing the metabolic rate, the perfect balance can be achieved.

Recommendations must be taken step by step ; If changes in diet are exaggerated, the body in general can be compromised in various health problems.

On the other hand, being wrong or confused could lead to a diet where the caloric deficit is reversed. In this way there would be a surplus of energy and the body weight would increase in an uncontrolled way.

A good tip to reach the goal is to implement an intermittent fasting protocol. These kinds of strategies have been shown to be effective and safe for fat loss.

To lose fat, improve habits

It is worth trying to develop a routine of physical exercise and a diet according to each one. However, it is best to go to a health professional, especially a nutritionist.

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