The Best Tips Against Respiratory Allergies

Respiratory allergies are reactions against substances such as pollen, mites or dust. Here we give you the best tips to combat them.

Respiratory allergies are an abnormal reaction of the immune system against allergens, which are harmless substances carried through the air.

Certainly, all of us are exposed to allergens and in regular contact with multiple substances through the air we breathe, such as pollen, mites or dust.

For most people, this is usually not a problem. However, others may react to one or more of these elements in your exposure. You should be aware that, in some cases, respiratory allergies can cause many complications, including asthma.

These types of reactions  are annoying and disabling for everyday life. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is the only key factor in combating respiratory allergies. We recommend that you take note of our following preventive tips for respiratory allergies.

4 top tips for those with respiratory allergies

It is necessary to always ventilate the spaces well. To avoid respiratory allergies

Without a doubt, the first thing to consider when dealing with a respiratory allergy is to try to  avoid contact with the allergen. Although it seems complicated, it is possible to do it effectively with a few simple gestures.

1. Renew the air inside your house

First, ventilate the places where you spend the most time to change the air you breathe. If you want to ventilate the interior of the house, you can do it in the morning or late in the day.

You just have to make sure you do it at least 20 minutes a day. In fact, the air in homes tends to become polluted quickly. So you will surely agree with the idea of ​​ventilating your home on a regular basis.

2. Check your diet

Food was the first medicine of mankind. Today, despite all the scientific advances, they are still the healthiest. For this reason, we recommend an adequate diet as a preventive and not curative measure against respiratory allergies.

Also, opt for foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. In addition to others that provide selenium and zinc, essential minerals. All of these help to strengthen the defenses and protect the body from damage generated by toxic substances in the environment. All of them help the respiratory system in an important way.

3. Get rid of mites

We spend, on average, a third of our time in direct contact with bedding. However, these can quickly become a nest for mites. They appreciate warm and humid places, protected from fresh air.

Our advice is that you do not make the bed when you wake up because it saves the heat and humidity that your body leaves. You must wait for it to dry and ventilate a bit, in order to stop the development of the most common allergen: mites.

We recommend using synthetic pillows and duvets. Also, try to wash the sheets and everything that may have been in contact with an allergen regularly with hot water (60 ° C).

4 . Learn to breathe

Learning to breathe slowly and deeply is the best way to prevent and reduce allergy symptoms. Correct breathing helps improve lung capacity and respiratory flow. It also reduces the frequency of crises related to respiratory allergies.

You should know that the regular practice of certain breathing exercises, such as yoga, can be very positive for those with respiratory allergies. In her case, yoga is an ideal discipline to improve the immune system and promote deep and regular breathing.

On the other hand, some deep breathing practices help clear the lungs of stale air and eliminate toxins.

To identify which substance or substances you are allergic to, it is necessary that you consult your doctor or an allergist. Once the respiratory allergies that cause you reaction are identified, you must eliminate the sources of the allergic reactions that cause you discomfort.

Finally, the environment and lifestyle are triggers or aggravating factors of respiratory allergies on which it is necessary to act. In these cases, the most important thing is to prevent the allergy and treat it effectively at the right time.

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