Fight Arthritis By Eating Cassava

Cassava is similar to potato and in many recipes they are interchangeable. Thanks to it we can reduce pain, swelling and stiffness caused by arthritis.

The bark and root of cassava are used as ingredients in various diet supplements that are said to help improve joint health. Parts of a variety of yucca plants have been used for several centuries in the traditional medicine of the native inhabitants of America.

This is how this information published by Mayo Clinic experts expresses it verbatim. At the same time they explain that, since then, scientists have identified several compounds with cassava that could have medicinal value. In the laboratory, some of these compounds show properties similar to anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat joint pain.

They continue to state that although it is likely that the action that these chemicals – derived from cassava have in the test tube – is quite different from the action they have on the human body.

So, fighting arthritis through a natural food could be an option that we can incorporate into a treatment previously prescribed by a professional, however, it is suggested to first consult it before starting to eat it.

In this article we explain about the nutritional values ​​of cassava. Can you come with us?

About cassava

The Manihot esculenta , known as cassava is a tuber that grows mainly in tropical countries America, Oceania and Africa. However, today it can be found in many greengrocers around the world.

This tuber on the outside looks like a trunk but comes from a bush. In addition, it has a high content of complex carbohydrates, a property that makes it a very energetic food. For its nutritional values, texture and flavor it is often compared to potato and sweet potato. They can even be substituted for each other in various recipes.

fried yucca

Fight arthritis with yucca?

Cassava contains substances called saponins. These have anti-inflammatory properties that could help improve the condition of the joints that are affected by arthritis. In addition, they also have a diuretic function. This can help alleviate some of the side effects caused by certain medications used to treat this disease.

Thus, by consuming cassava on a daily basis we can reduce the pain, swelling and stiffness caused by this disease.

In addition, cassava also contains vitamins such as vitamin B6, C and E in considerable amounts. All of them are essential to combat arthritis. In fact, people who suffer from it often show a deficiency of these vitamins.

First of all, vitamin B6 participates in the production of hemoglobin. This is responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues. These line the joints so your good health is essential to take care of them.

As for vitamin C, it participates in the synthesis of collagen. This protein is present in the tissues and bones of the joints. Thus, these act as a “protective layer” of these and it is essential that they are in good condition.

Finally, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant so it helps us protect our body from free radicals. Thus, it can be a great ally to fight against the symptoms of arthritis.

Who else can consume it?

Cassava is a very popular food in many countries where it is easily grown. In addition, the price is much cheaper than that of other foods. Yucca stands out for its satiating nature. This, in adequate amounts, makes it an option for children, adolescents, athletes and people who are exposed to significant efforts.

It also has the advantage that it is easy to digest. In fact, it can even be beneficial for those suffering from digestive disorders such as gastritis, heartburn, ulcers or colitis.

cassava chips

How do we consume it?

We can consume it as a supplement or as food:

  • If we consume it as a supplement, we will always consult a nutritionist to recommend the most appropriate dose.
  • If we choose to consume it as food, we can cook it in the same way as we would with potatoes: in an omelette, stew, baked, etc. It can also be fried but, although it is a delicious dish, it will have more fat.

It is important to note that cassava is not only gluten-free, but is also part of many recipes for celiacs. Thus, with flour and cassava starch we can make breads and cakes. Its texture and flavor are delicious and are at the level of those made with other flours.

Cassava rolls


  • 500 g of cassava starch.
  • 300 ml of water.
  • 150 ml of extra virgin olive oil.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) of sea salt.
  • 300 g of fresh cheese.
  • Optional spices: garlic, paprika, pepper, etc.


  • First, we preheat the oven to 200ºC for 15 minutes.
  • Then, we beat all the ingredients until we get a fine and homogeneous texture.
  • Next, we fill less than half of the previously greased muffin tins with oil so that they do not stick. In this case, silicone molds are the most comfortable.
  • Finally, we bake for 25 minutes at 200º C in the lower part of the oven so that they rise and inflate easily.
  • Clever! You just have to eat them hot.

Other beneficial foods

chopped onion

As of now, there is no scientific evidence for these, however, it is believed that the foods listed below may also be beneficial and could help in the treatment of arthritis:

  • Turmeric:  This spice can be excellent for treating inflammation and pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Broccoli:  This vegetable is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant so it can be beneficial in relieving symptoms. In addition, it also contains vitamin B6, C and E.
  • Licorice: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help relieve joint swelling.
  • Onion: Its flavonoids can help you fight inflammation and purge your body of toxins.
  • Green tea:  This excellent drink is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that help reduce inflammation.

However, it is important to mention that cassava is a complement to a healthy, responsible and balanced diet that contains all the macronutrients that our body needs, that is, it is not a treatment.

Although it can help us relieve pain and fight disease, it will never cure it. This can only be done with proper medical treatment.

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