Why Should We Soak The Nuts And Seeds?

Although they already bring us benefits if we consume them directly, soaking them for a while will enhance the properties of both the seeds and the nuts

Nuts and seeds are essential foods in our diet, thanks to their excellent nutritional values. In addition, we can take them at any time we feel hungry, since they are very satiating. Find out what its properties are, as well as why we should always soak nuts and seeds before consuming them.

Benefits of nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are always present in the nutritional pyramid. They are very energetic foods that, in small amounts, provide us with a large amount of nutrients.

Actually, with a handful a day we can avoid some vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

  • They are foods rich in vegetable protein, very suitable to reduce the consumption of animal protein without the risk of suffering from health problems. For this reason they are highly recommended for children, athletes and vegans, although we can all consume them in moderate amounts.
  • They provide a good amount of healthy fats, essential to have a balanced weight.
  • They are high in fiber, ideal for regulating intestinal function and preventing constipation naturally.
  • They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Which ones do I choose?

Soaking is a must

We have a great variety to choose from, depending on their flavor or their health properties:


  • Walnut : Excellent for improving brain function.
  • Hazelnut : Regulates blood sugar levels and promotes intestinal evacuation.
  • Almond : Facilitates lactation and provides a lot of vitamin E and calcium.
  • Macadamia nut : High in healthy fats.
  • Brazil nut : Natural source of selenium.
  • Pistachio : Very rich in iron, suitable for fighting anemia.
  • Pine nut : Noted for its vitamin B1 content.
  • Cashew : It has a high magnesium content, ideal for muscles and nerves.


  • Sunflower : Rich in vitamin B1, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Pumpkin : One of the best remedies to prevent intestinal parasites and prostate problems.
  • Sesame : It is the best vegetable source of calcium, essential if we do not consume dairy.
  • Flax : Rich in essential fatty acids, which improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Chia : They promote bowel movements and reduce cholesterol.

Why soak nuts and seeds


Raw nuts and seeds, as well as legumes, are coated with substances known as enzyme inhibitors.

Enzyme inhibitors have the function of preventing premature germination and helping to conserve nutrients for plant growth.

However, by consuming them, we prevent the absorption of some minerals and proteins and their digestibility is difficult.

If we soak the nuts and seeds for a few hours, we avoid this problem and activate it to consume or germinate it.

Each fruit has its approximate soaking time:

  • Almonds: 12 hours.
  • Chia and flax seeds: 2 hours.
  • Walnut and hazelnut: 8 hours.
  • Pumpkin and sesame seeds: 6 hours.
  • Sunflower seeds: 4 hours.
  • Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Cashews, Brazil Nuts, and Macadamia Nuts – No soaking required.

After activating them, we can toast them over low heat if we want to enhance their flavor.

It should also be noted that flax and chia seeds, when soaked, release mucilage, which is a very beneficial fiber to promote intestinal transit.

We can beat them or liquefy them together with the soaking water to fulfill this function.

How to introduce them into the diet


Although we can consume nuts and seeds at any time, we propose some original ideas so that they are not missing from your daily menus:

  • To enrich breakfast cereals.
  • A homemade spreadable cocoa and hazelnut spread, sweetened with honey.
  • In smoothies, along with fruits and oats.
  • Roasted and ground seeds or nuts, in sauces and vinaigrettes.
  • In the cakes and cookies dough, well ground, like flour, but much more nutritious.
  • To make homemade vegetable drinks.
  • To complement desserts, such as baked apples with walnuts, or pieces of orange with honey and sliced ​​almonds.
  • We can also germinate the seeds and add them to all kinds of dishes and snacks.
  • Roasted and ground sesame with salt, known as gomasio, is a delicious seasoning for rice and pasta.

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