Do You Have Irregular Menstrual Periods? Practice These 7 Habits

To balance irregular menstrual periods it is essential to control stress, in addition to following a proper diet, drinking plenty of water and trying to rest as long as we need.

Women with irregular menstrual periods have few solutions beyond contraception. However, these drugs do not solve the problem from the cause, but provide a temporary regularity while we take them.

In this article we share 7 good habits that these women should try. Diet, emotions and lifestyle are key factors that we can improve to balance our hormonal functions in a healthy and natural way. 

Good habits for irregular menstrual periods

1. Avoid these foods

Foods to avoid for irregular menstrual periods

An unbalanced diet is largely responsible for irregular menstrual periods. By eating improperly we do not obtain the necessary nutrients for hormones to perform their function well. Therefore, we should avoid or eliminate these foods from our diet :

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Sausages and processed meats
  • Refined flours
  • Pre-cooked food
  • Dairy Products
  • Refined salt

2. Stay away from toxins

Unhealthy foods are not the only ones that can alter our menstrual period. Hormones are very sensitive to toxins that surround us, such as food additives, the chemicals we use, environmental pollution or even electromagnetic pollution.

In order for our irregular menstrual periods to begin to balance, we must get as far away as possible from all these toxic substances with which we come into contact on a daily basis. We must choose organic food and products and disconnect electronic devices whenever we do not use them.

3. Keep your belly warm

Did you know that the belly area cools easily and that can alter our menstrual period? Both the lower abdomen and the lower back always need a warm temperature so that this does not affect our sexual organs. In fact, women have always warmed up this area with belts and girdles since ancient times.

Choose clothes that always cover this part of your body, especially in cold weather. You can reinforce body heat by using electric mats or hot water bottles when you are at home and when you go to bed. You can also wear wool girdles during the day, as they can be worn discreetly under clothing.

4. Drink water

One of the best habits to prevent irregular menstrual periods and many other health problems is also the simplest and most economical. Why is it so hard for us to get used to drinking about two liters of water a day? This amount should be increased if it is very hot or if we make physical efforts.

Drinking water improves the functioning of our organs, reduces inflammation and promotes the elimination of toxins, among other healing properties. For this reason alone it is convenient for us to adopt this good habit.

5. Get enough rest

Get plenty of rest to regulate irregular menstrual periods

There is another important factor that unbalances our body: not getting enough rest. Not all people need 8 hours of sleep, since it depends on each organism. What we do need is to have a good rest and that it be restorative.

To do this, we must ensure that our bedroom is cozy. It must meet the requirements of darkness, silence, good ventilation, order, cleanliness, etc. However, if we have insomnia problems we can always spend some time before going to bed to meditation, relaxing music or gentle stretching.

6. No stress or negative emotions

If we suffer irregular menstrual periods, we must review how we are on a psychological and emotional level. Stress can be to blame for a host of imbalances. However, attitudes of fear, guilt or self-demand are also closely related to these hormonal disorders.

To overcome these states we must dedicate time to ourselves, to activities that we like and that make us develop our talent and creativity. There are also those who relax with disciplines such as yoga and who, on the other hand, need adventure sports and intensity.

7. Enjoy the sun

Finally, this good habit can be very pleasant: we must connect with nature, especially if we live in the city. The nature is one of the best treatments for any imbalance. The mountain, the field, the beach, the lakes and rivers, etc. Any option is good and effective.

In addition, it will be time to benefit from a great hormonal regulator: the sun. Exposing ourselves to the sun’s rays with common sense will help us regulate the period. We can do it for short periods of time but throughout the whole year.

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