How To Prevent And Treat Chapped Lips

Good daily hydration is essential to prevent chapped lips. Likewise, exfoliation will help us to end the accumulation of dead skin

Although the lips are one of the main physical attractions of every person, many tend to neglect them and forget that they also require certain treatments. These are covered by a much thinner skin that, in the face of environmental aggressions, tends to dry out and crack.

Since many have played down their importance, this time we want to share several tips both to prevent and to treat this symptom. Does it happen to you often? Do not miss it!

Lesions on the lips can be painful and, in fact, sometimes take several weeks to fully recover. For this reason, during the beauty routine, it is essential to include some habits that allow you to nourish and protect them, preventing them from presenting alterations.

Tips to prevent chapped lips

For aesthetic and health reasons, it is essential to be more careful when treating the skin of the lips, as it is quite sensitive. If you still do not suffer from dryness or cracks, it is essential to adopt some measures that help prevent them.

Using lip balm


Do you usually carry a lip balm with you? Composed of hydrating and regenerating ingredients, the balm is an essential element to keep the lips soft and protected.

Its content of oily compounds moisturizes dry skin and, in turn, facilitates the removal of dead cells and impurities. We recommend opting for those that include natural ingredients like oils and butters.

Consume water

The dehydration of the organism is also noticeable in the health of the lips. A low consumption of water affects the pH of the saliva and, many times, causes excess dryness on the lip skin.

  • It is essential to consume about 2 liters of water or healthy drinks.

    Exfoliate regularly

    Citrus oil scrub

    Many times it is not noticeable with the naked eye; however, on the surface of the lips, dead skin accumulates that interferes with their health.

    • A mixture of sugar with yogurt or honey can be enough to give them a regular exfoliation.
    • You can also choose to use scrubs from those sold in the market.

    Home remedies to cure chapped lips

    It is not always possible to prevent the skin on the lips from cracking. For this reason, it is good to know certain remedies that speed up your healing process.

    Frankincense essential oil

    Known for its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, frankincense essential oil is a good option for healing lip skin lesions.

    How to use?

    • Take a couple of drops of the product and rub them in with a light massage on the lips.
    • Leave it to act without rinsing and repeat its use at least 3 times a week.

    Bee honey


    Its natural enzymes and antibiotic compounds make it ideal for regenerating and healing chapped skin in the mouth. However, we must avoid the temptation to eat it.

    How to use it?

    • Rub a generous amount of honey on the lips and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
    • Rinse and repeat its use every day, until you notice an improvement.

    Tea tree oil

    This antiseptic product helps heal skin lesions. It also  prevents irritation, redness or viral and bacterial infections .

    How to use?

    • Put several drops of the oil on the skin of your mouth and massage it in until it is completely absorbed.
    • Use it every day until the cracks heal.

    Olive oil

    olive oil

    Due to its rich composition of essential fatty acids, vitamin E and amino acids, olive oil is an interesting option to rehydrate the skin of the mouth in case of injuries. It is not aggressive, does not alter the pH and has antioxidants that benefit skin health.

    How to use?

    • Heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and, when it is warm, rub it on your lips until it is well absorbed.
    • Use it, without rinsing, 2 times a day.

    Cocoa butter

    Known for its contributions of vitamin E, healthy fats, and essential minerals, cocoa butter continues to be one of the best options for curing problems caused by dry lip skin. In fact, many prefer to use it as an alternative to conventional balms, since it does not contain harsh chemicals and prevents allergies.

    How to use?

    • Spread a thin layer of cocoa butter on the skin of the lips, massaging with the fingertips.
    • Leave it to act without rinsing and use it 2 times a day.

    Do you notice aggressions on your lips? Do you tend to neglect your skin? Make sure you pay more attention to them from now on and do not hesitate to prepare any of the mentioned remedies to cure them.

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