Science Says: These Foods Will Help Us Prevent Osteoarthritis

The single word already scares us and makes us visualize the classic slightly deformed hands with inflamed finger joints. We are talking, of course, about osteoarthritis.

Most likely, all of us have a close family member who suffers from it, moreover, we may even already suffer from the symptoms of this degenerative joint disease.

If we ask ourselves why we are “forced” to have to cope with an ailment that has no cure and only palliative treatments, it should be said that, day by day, science is clarifying much more about this condition that thousands of people suffer from.

Until not long ago, for example,  osteoarthritis was thought to be the direct result of simple “wear and tear, ” something that appeared over time and age. Now, we know more data: genetics and metabolic problems are often determining factors, as well as being overweight or the excessive and repetitive use of a certain group of joints.

Also, something interesting that we have known only a few months ago is that there are a series of foods that will help us prevent and treat the impact of osteoarthritis.

According to a work carried out at Tufts University in Boston (USA) and Manchester University (UK) and which has been published in the journal  Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, fiber would help us reduce the impact of this disease.

Fiber, effective in preventing osteoarthritis

The work that went into reaching this conclusion is worthy of analysis. However, we know that many of our readers will say that of “but what if I already suffer from osteoarthritis?”

It should be noted that, to this day, this medical condition is not reversible, it has no cure and therefore, we are obliged to seek those techniques that allow us to have a better quality of life.

Our diet is, without a doubt, a great way to achieve this. Therefore, this news benefits us all: it helps us prevent and reduce the impact of osteoarthritis. Let’s see all the data below.

The study and conclusions

  • The work was called the “Osteoarthritis Initiative”  (OAI) and 4796 participants collaborated in it, together with the “ Framingham Offspring Osteoarthritis Study ”, where they were added  1268 more participants.
  • The study lasted 9 years.
  • The participants consumed 15 grams of fiber a day. Later, and with another experimental group , it reached 19 grams per day.
  • Every few months he would have X-ray analyzes and tests in order to detect the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis, such as pain in the fingers, wrist, hip or the classic pain in the knee.
  • Factors that could alter the results were isolated, such as injuries, medications, lifestyle, alcohol …
  • The statistical analysis was clear: a higher fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of osteoarthritis.  
  • The probability of developing osteoarthritis ranges from a 30% lower risk for those who consumed 15 grams daily and of 61% for those who opted for 19 grams of fiber a day.

    The difference is remarkable, as we can see.

    What foods can help us prevent osteoarthritis?

    We already know that fiber is effective in preventing this ailment. We also know that it is convenient to make an effort and consume 19 grams of fiber a day.

    Now we just need to know which are those most powerful sources of fiber, the ones that can help us the most to take care of our bones and joints.

    They are the following, we suggest you take note.


    You may have expected oats, wheat, rye to appear at the top of this list… Well, it’s important to remember that fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, and among them, raspberries are the best.

    Raspberries will give you up to 8 grams of fiber per cup, plus 186 mg of potassium or 31 mg of calcium… And it doesn’t matter if you buy them frozen!


    You just need to consume half a cup of artichokes (120 g) a day to get about 10.3 grams of fiber (inulin). In addition, you will keep cholesterol and sugar at bay and in balanced levels.

    The lentils

    “If you want them, you take them, if not, you leave them”. We do not know who came up with this saying but he was wrong, because if we want to prevent osteoarthritis we have to take lentils yes or yes.

    A cup of cooked lentils (70 g) contains 15 grams of fiber, in addition to iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium …

    Green peas

    One cup of cooked peas (110 g) will provide you with 16 grams of soluble fiber.

    In addition, they are rich in antioxidants, are an important source of iron and combine in any dish. Do you need more reasons to consume them?

    Whole grains

    The most powerful source of fiber  is, of course, whole grains.

    Always look for that bread, those cookies or that bran for your breakfast that contains the seed wrapped by its shell.

    This is how we obtain a much greater supply of fiber, and as well as at the end of the day, we can effectively prevent the dreaded osteoarthritis. Do you dare to eat a little better?

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