I Am A Woman With Character, Free, Happy And Unbearable For Some

The woman of character remains, today, a challenge in many settings. Despite all the progress made in terms of equality, there are still many cracks that still take us back to patriarchal societies.

In fact, in our daily lives, we continue to see certain behaviors and reactions that catch our attention. The woman with firm convictions, who stands up with her own voice in front of others, is still viewed with distrust. We suggest you reflect on it.

A woman with character and determination

Those who look out for themselves and for their emotional balance are labeled as selfish . It is said of one who values ​​their freedom, their ability to decide, react and fight for a goal.

There are many roots that still nourish these dynamics of disguised inequality. There where, sometimes, even the female gender itself feeds some of these situations.

Because, believe it or not, there are still women who continue to look down on their independent counterpart, the one who chooses her own path while ignoring others and who is capable of breaking patterns and stereotypes.

Thus, we should all be free to make our own decisions and paths without being judged. Both men and women have the right to challenge, to have a strong character and to fight for their own dreams.

Because the key to a good coexistence is always respect. The one who does not understand gender, social position or ideology.

Characteristics of women with character

The woman with character is not made from one day to the next. It is life and the reaction of its own roots that make it gradually mold itself.

  • The famous anthropologist Helen Fisher explains to us in her book “The First Sex” that women are not only the result of the social and personal context in which they live. It is something much deeper, more delicate.
  • The woman is, according to Fisher, not the second sex, as Simone de Beauvoir would say, and even less “that rib” extracted from Adam.
  • Biologically, the woman is the primary sex,  because chemical substances must be “added” to that embryo in order for a man to form.
  • There is an internal voice that, day by day, invites us to wake up a little more. The genetic shapes us, the social instigates us, but later on, new internal awakenings emerge that define us more and more, stage by stage, cycle by cycle.

There are those who live so subdued that it is difficult to reach that stage of fullness and pleasant personal expression. We speak, above all, of women subjected to the yoke of patriarchy, where it is so complex to be oneself. Have a voice.

The woman with her own voice is criticized

“Where did he get that character from? Sure she is a bitter one ”.

  • This phrase defines something more than a lack of respect. There is also that macho thinking where certain behaviors are assigned to certain qualities.
  • The man of character and who challenges is brave. The woman who has a voice and a temper and who does not submit is a bitter one.
  • With this phrase, the classic scheme that women must be complacent and solicitous continues.
  • It is necessary to reflect a little more on these ideas that, sometimes, are said without thinking.

Women, like men, have the full right to have  a strong character , to defend their wills with respect, to achieve their dreams and to challenge the old established schemes.

The wild woman

Few books are more interesting to “awaken” our voice as a defiant woman with character than “The women who ran with the wolves”, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés.


  • In this magnificent essay, she delves into those cultural roots that, for a long time, have been inherited from generation to generation in various cultures and that undoubtedly define today’s woman.
  • Every wild woman has made an intimate development from the depths of her being to what she is now. The adversities, the fears and the sufferings are now our best value.
  • Our roots are intuition and creativity. We are capable of seeing much beyond what surrounds us.
  • We listen to ourselves and, in turn, connect with everything around us.
  • We are much more than our ancestors, than the archetypes that certain societies created on us.
  • We are not weak or manageable or narcissistic or half a lost orange.

woman with character

Today’s woman is an artisan of her own life, she is brave and has the deep voice of her own nature. He wants to change things, say things, get his character respected. Live in balance and happiness in the way that she wishes: as a couple or alone.

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