What Is Worth Having Is Worth Fighting For

Although it may surprise us, not everyone is clear about what kinds of things to fight for in this life. There are those who strive every day to get more things, to have more objects, more money, more goods, without realizing that they have to fight for what is worth having … and for nothing else.

Although we cannot deny that we need economic remuneration to live, it is not really a matter of prioritizing this aspect exclusively. There are things we should fight for, squeezing our strength to the fullest, until our last breath. We must fight for those we love, for our children, our partners and, without a doubt, for ourselves as well.

For our well-being and emotional balance. Because nobody is selfish when fighting for oneself. It is to feel good about who we are and what we have in order to make others happy as well. Today in our space we invite you to reflect on it, on fighting for what is worth having and maintaining.

Fight for what is worth having

Sometimes life brings us things that none of us deserve. No one deserves to be unhappy, or to be disappointed, or to be abandoned, or to suffer pain or contract certain diseases. However, the day to day, or perhaps that subtle destiny, tests us almost mercilessly by bringing us things we did not expect. What should we do then?

Do not give up. Life is a continuous struggle, a relentless improvement. We must fight to overcome adversity and, in turn, to achieve what we want.

Why fight for what is worthwhile?

mother son

We propose you a little reflection at this very moment: What would you like to have? While you think about it, we also suggest that you stop to read these little ideas:

  • Think of everything that gives you true inner well-being. Sometimes the simplest things can be the most rewarding.
  • What we would like to have must also define us. You may want a house in the country. It is a setting that would offer you calm, tranquility and a contact with nature. If you think of a physical good, relate it to your personal growth.
  • Also reflect not only on what you wish you had, but on what you deserve. You deserve that others recognize you more, that they take you into account, that they love you, that they respect your spaces, your freedom to be yourself …
  • Avoid negative feelings. It is not about wanting to be rich in order to humiliate someone, to be above him or her. These types of desires do not enrich us inside, nor do they favor your personal growth.

Also think that it is possible that many things that you would like to have are already with you. You have a family, a partner, some children … They are essential pieces in your life, those roots that are worth fighting for even if we already have them. It is simply about fighting to promote their well-being and, with it, your own.

The importance of fighting for yourself

Who said that fighting for your own well-being is acting selfishly? Absolutely. Prioritizing yourself on a day-to-day basis is not leaving others behind.

If you feel good about yourself, if that face you see in the mirror offers you well-being and pride, you will have that inner strength with which to face the world and give the best to your loved ones. If you’re okay, everyone wins, so… why not fight for yourself too?

You deserve to have your own personal space

By personal space we do not mean having our own room in the house. Absolutely. A personal space is a corner of life that no one has the right to violate or transfer.

  • It is enjoying your free time, your hobbies and passions.
  • It is that space where you grow as a person, where you feel useful, where you learn new things, where you form and enrich yourself inside.
  • Personal space is having your needed independence without neglecting your love for yours.

    You deserve to fight for what is important to you

    • If you want to give your life a new chance, do not give up because others say that your train has passed. In the same way, if you want to go back to study, nobody is the one to put walls to your personal and professional aspirations.
    • If there has come a time in your existence when you have realized that the person next to you does not make you happy, react. We must fight for our own happiness.
    • Keep in mind that if you don’t fight for yourself, no one will. 
    • Whoever fights gets results, every push and every will gets some change. And sometimes a change opens the door to new opportunities.

    Fighting makes us stronger and teaches us the value of things. Without a doubt, you already know that in this life nothing falls from the sky, everything requires part of our effort and energy to be achieved.

    There is nothing more enriching than achieving what we want for ourselves. It is that continuous struggle for life and for what we love. What we need. In conclusion, we must fight for what is worthwhile for each of us.

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