Beet Juice Benefits You Did Not Know About

Beet juice is a natural drink that can be easily prepared at home and can help hydrate the body and supplement the diet in a healthy way.

Beet juice is a drink that has been consumed as a refreshment and also as a remedy for various issues. The reason? The nutrients in this food not only help maintain health, but also improve it.

Below we will tell you more about this vegetable and what are the benefits that the consumption of beet juice can provide to health, when it is included with some regularity in a balanced diet. Take note so that you are encouraged to do the test at home!

Beets, a recommended vegetable


The beet is an edible tuber of purple or reddish color (depending on the variety of plant from which it comes). It belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family, like spinach and chard.

Many people consume it in salads, with a little salt and olive oil, while others prefer to take advantage of it in other presentations, such as juices, smoothies and smoothies.

According to experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), it is a vegetable that, although it has a low energy content, is a source of carbohydrates, water and fiber. It also contains folates and potassium.

On the other hand, the FEN experts indicate that “in relation to minerals, it is a vegetable source of potassium (17% of the IR / day for men and women in the range of age and physical activity described). This mineral contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles ”.

Contributions of beet juice

In the popular sphere , the consumption of beets within a balanced diet has been recommended for a wide variety of issues, from obtaining essential nutrients in case of pregnancy, to preventing anemia and other diseases.

Helps to get energy

Despite the fact that FEN experts indicate that beets are a low-energy food, many people drink beet juice to obtain the necessary calories to help them wake up and carry out different daily activities.

Contributes to cardiovascular health

Heart disease: everything you need to know

Given the antioxidant and potassium content of beets, its juice is believed to contribute to cardiovascular health. 

It is said that consuming 2 glasses of beet juice a day can control hypertension, as the potassium and other nutrients in beets help regulate blood pressure. The person responsible for this improvement in the case of hypertension is the nitrate contained in the vegetable.

Helps deal with free radical damage

Beets contain antioxidants such as betalains and polyphenols, which neutralize the effect of free radicals. The latter can lead to premature aging of cells.

Helps slow aging

Due to its antioxidant content, beet juice could contribute to the health of the entire organism and, in addition, prevent premature aging. This is because antioxidants -as indicated by the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation- “their presence in food is essential not only because they activate the natural organoleptic properties, preserving them, but because when ingested they protect the consumer health, preventing the development of diseases ”.

On the other hand, there is the hypothesis that the nitrates present in this vegetable can increase blood flow to the brain, which would favor its performance.

Helps stimulate the appetite

According to beliefs, the consumption of beet juice stimulates the appetite in convalescent people. Additionally, it is said to help improve digestion and alleviate the feeling of heaviness in certain cases. Therefore, it could be integrated into the diet of patients – little by little – who are on the way to recovery.

Helps reduce inflammation

Due to the betaine content of beets, it is considered that the consumption of its juice can help relieve inflammation in case of indigestion and other related discomforts. Especially in case of fluid retention. In turn, this food is rich in fiber, so it helps regulate intestinal transit and expel waste from the body normally.

Helps prevent anemia

In the popular sphere, it is recommended to consume beet juice, within a balanced diet, to prevent anemia. The reason for this lies in the fact that the vegetable contains a certain amount of folic acid and iron. 

In short, beets are a food worth consuming as part of a balanced diet to maintain -or improve, as the case may be- health.

Beet, apple and carrot juice recipe

Beet, apple and carrot juice recipe.


  • 1 beet
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 apples (red or yellow)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • Optional: the juice of 1 lemon


  • Wash the vegetables and do not remove the skin.
  • Remove the core of the apple and cut all the ingredients into pieces as small as possible.
  • Put everything in the blender glass with the water and, if you want, the juice of 1 lemon.
  • Process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Refrigerate for a while so that it is very cool to drink.
  • Serve and, if it’s hot, add a few ice cubes.
  • Consume in moderation as part of a meal or snack.

Beet juice is a healthy supplement to the diet

Drinks such as beet juice are excellent options to supplement the diet. Especially when they are consumed without sugar or sweeteners of any kind, as a substitute for industrial beverages.

Therefore, this is a recommended option for the diet, within a healthy lifestyle. Take advantage of it! And of course, feel free to make your own versions of the recipe.

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