Rich Carrot Cake Without Eggs Or Fat

Carrot cake is a very rich dessert, not only because of the amount of ingredients it includes but also because of the way it combines them. In general, a generous amount of mixed nuts is usually incorporated, with which, the nutritional contribution is excellent.

However, many preparations abuse the use of dairy and eggs, so they add excess fat to the dessert.

The following carrot cake recipe completely dispenses with the use of eggs and dairy. Therefore, it is a vegan recipe,  made only with ingredients of plant origin.

And although it does not contain fat, it preserves the nutritional contribution of the carrot, nuts and fruits (natural or candied) that we add.

Here we explain the step by step.

Eggless carrot cake


  • A pinch of salt.
  • Ground cinnamon (to taste)
  • Brown sugar (220 g).
  • Zest of an orange.
  • Honey (500 g).
  • Chopped walnuts (75 g).
  • Grated carrot (250 g).
  • Vegetable oil or margarine (30 or 40 g).
  • Whole wheat flour with yeast (240 g).
  • Blueberries or raisins (45 g).
  • Optional: toasted sliced ​​almonds or peanuts, unsalted, vegetable cream (for garnish).


  1. First, we put all the dry ingredients (flour, salt, sugar) in a bowl and stir with the help of a spoon.
  2. We chop the walnuts a little (enough).
  3. We put the oven to preheat to 180 ºC.
  4. We put the margarine in a small pot, along with the honey and sugar, and heat until completely melted.
  5. We pour the margarine mixture over the bowl with the dry ingredients and proceed to mix everything.
  6. Add the raisins and chopped walnuts to the dough and stir everything well with the help of a spoon.
  7. Next we add the grated carrot and stir everything again. The resulting mass will be quite thick.
  8. Grease a refractory mold with a little vegetable oil and place the carrot cake dough inside.
  9. We take it to the oven for 45 minutes and then extract and let it cool (inside the mold) at room temperature for another 15 or 20 minutes, approximately.
  10. Once the carrot cake has cooled, we turn it over on a rack and proceed to decorate it as we prefer.

Note : It should be noted that, being a fairly dense dessert, it can be a bit dry if a vegetable cream or some type of soft cream is not added on top.

Vegetable cream recipe to decorate carrot cake


  • Sunflower oil (50 ml).
  • Soy drink (250 ml).
  • Almonds or cashews (45 g).
  • Optional: 2 tablespoons of sugar (30 g).


  1. We place the almonds to soak in plenty of water for at least 2 or 4 hours, so that they soften.
  2. Once they are soft, we pour the almonds into the same container as the oil and the soy drink.
  3. We mix everything with the help of the hand mixer. It is important not to move the mixer at first until the mixture can emulsify well. In the end, we can move the mixer up and down.
  4. Strain the liquid with a cloth and squeeze well.
  5. We let the resulting liquid cool overnight.
  6. The next morning, we will have a cream that is consistent enough to decorate the topping of our carrot cake.

Another recipe for vegetable cream


  • Water or vegetable drink.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Almonds (150 g).
  • Cashew nuts (150 g).
  • Optional: 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar (15 or 30 g).


  1. As in the previous recipe, we soak the almonds and cashews for at least 4 hours.
  2. Once they are soft, we place the nuts in the same container and cover with water or a vegetable drink.
  3. We add a pinch of salt and, if we wish, sugar.
  4. We process all the ingredients, without moving the mixer so that the mixture can emulsify correctly.
  5. We strain and squeeze the fabric well (so as not to lose quantity) and cover.
  6. Refrigerate overnight and, the next day, we will have the vegetable cream or “whipped cream” ready.

Although we have opted for a vegetable cream topping, there are other options to decorate our cake. For example, we can add an orange marmalade (homemade and without sugar)  or peanut butter, among other toppings.

The important thing is to avoid those ingredients that may have a higher amount of fat than the rest of the ingredients in the cake. There we will be able to keep the dessert low in fat.

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