5 Incredible Benefits Of Celery That You Did Not Know

Celery is not only an ingredient that helps flavor stews and make natural smoothies more filling and refreshing. It is a plant food rich in water and fiber, easy to digest, which can provide some nutrients to the body and, therefore, help add health. Are you more curious now? In that case, below we will tell you what are the health benefits of celery.

Celery, a vegetable appreciated since ancient times

Celery stalks

Celery ( Apium graveolens ) is an edible plant that belongs to the apiaceae family, also known as umbelliferae. Everything seems to indicate that the origin of wild celery is in the swampy areas and temperate climates of central Europe and western Asia. However, some believe that, in reality, it comes from the countries that make up the Mediterranean area.

Its cultivation dates back to the 9th century BC. C. It was very popular, for example, among Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. It was  Hippocrates, already in the 5th century BC. C, who recommended the use of this vegetable as a diuretic.

However, already in the Middle Ages the benefits of celery spread throughout Europe and its cultivation began to increase. And so we come to today, where the consumption of celery has become essential for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Nutritionally, it barely has 16 calories per 100 grams, and 95% of its composition is water.  In addition, if we eat it raw, the large amount of fiber it has makes us have to chew it a lot, which gives us a feeling of satiety.

Some of the benefits of celery

Regularly including celery in your meals can provide you with several health benefits. We will comment on them below.

1. Take care of cardiovascular health

  • Helps regulate blood pressure. To a large extent this is due to its potassium content.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels. Fiber is what helps to eliminate it from the intestines, thus preventing it from reaching the blood.
  • Celery is a source of vitamin K, an essential nutrient for blood clotting.

2. Has anti-inflammatory properties

The antioxidants in celery help reduce inflammation. Therefore, its consumption is advisable to alleviate inflammatory processes in case of gout or arthritis.

In addition, the flavonoids contained in this plant help  protect and strengthen both the joints and connective tissue. In this sense, celery is very beneficial for diseases such as arthritis.

Also read: 7 foods that prevent you from losing weight

3. Promotes digestion

Since ancient times, this vegetable has been popularly used to combat heartburn. However, celery can do much more for your digestive system. For example:

  • Avoid constipation, given the large amount of fiber it provides.
  • It stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, favoring people with slow or inappetent digestions.
  • It is also believed to help improve the lining of the stomach and prevent ulcers.

4. It is purifying

Parsley and celery smoothie

Celery also promotes the elimination of liquids and wastes retained in the body. In addition, it is particularly effective in getting rid of gallstones and kidney stones.

This purifying quality works through the liver, intestine and kidneys. When consuming celery, thanks to its diuretic effect, we will notice an increase in the amount of urine. This combats fluid retention and edema. 

5. It is antipyretic

According to a study carried out in rodents, some extracts of celery ( Apium graveolens . L) have an antipyretic effect that can be useful in certain cases.

6. Aphrodisiac?

According to some beliefs, another of the benefits of celery is that it is an aphrodisiac food. This is because it contains androstenone and androstenol, which are male pheromones.

How to eat celery?

This vegetable also has the advantage that it can be consumed both raw and cooked. And, unlike other vegetables, celery does not lose its benefits if we steam it. In case you find it somewhat indigestible to consume it in salads, when you cook it, these problems will disappear, but not its virtues.

Pineapple and celery smoothie to lose weight.

Today green smoothies are very fashionable , which usually include this food among their ingredients. Its flavor combines very well with fruits such as apple, pear or pineapple. It is also delicious with a hint of fresh ginger root.

Green smoothies with celery are an option to enjoy this food in a different way, within a balanced diet.

Take the test and start including a little more green in your life! That hint of celery in stews, smoothies, veggie cakes, and other preparations can be a lot more beneficial than you might think.

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