The Best Exercises To Tone The Legs

Squats, jumps and the traditional bridge are just some of the exercises you can do to have legs with more muscle and less fat. Don’t miss this routine!

The sagging of the lower extremities is an issue that many women struggle with every day. With this objective, having a routine with exercises to tone the legs is essential, but there are also other issues that must be taken into account.

In this sense, perseverance, good nutrition and a positive attitude are three essential elements for anyone who wants to get in shape. Regarding the most recommended exercises, do not hesitate to take a look at this routine with exercises specially dedicated to toning the legs in different areas.

Build muscle to shed fat

To burn fat and tone your legs, the best option is to build more muscle mass. This is because muscle consumes more energy than fat, so the metabolism will be more active even at rest. In other words, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout each day.

To build muscle, it is not enough to ride a bike, go for a run or use the elliptical in the gym, but it is essential to carry out strength exercises so that the legs are toned and hypertrophy occurs, that is, the increase of the muscle volume. This is explained in a study published by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise .

You will not be muscular like a bodybuilder, nor will you be too big or “marked.” The increase in muscle mass is related to testosterone, a hormone that women have at lower levels than men.

The best exercises to tone your legs

Before describing the exercises to tone the legs, it is necessary to emphasize that they must be done in the correct way, with the appropriate postures and the number of repetitions tailored to the objectives and needs. In some cases, it may be wise to seek the opinion of a coach or professional on the matter.

The best thing about this routine is that it is made up of exercises that you can do anywhere, even at home. So there are no excuses! Let’s work on those defined legs!

Stride or lunge

This exercise is recommended to work the front part of the upper legs, made up of the quadriceps, although it also requires the effort of the hamstrings and glutes.

According to a Harvard Health Publishing publication, this exercise even allows you to work the middle zone of the body. This source indicates that the proper technique is as follows:

  • You have to take a step forward with your right leg leaving the left fixed. Then bend your knees and lower your body keeping your back straight at all times.
  • The idea is that you almost touch the ground with your left knee. To return to the starting position, press on the right heel.
  • Do three sets of 12 reps each. Once you have mastered the technique, hold a weight in each hand to add difficulty and prevent the muscles from getting used to the same stimulus, which will undermine the expected results.


The squat is a “manual” exercise when it comes to strengthening the lower body. The Harvard Health Publishing publication cited above details the following execution:

  • Begin standing, with your legs spread about shoulder width apart.
  • Next, bend your knees and lower your body as if you were going to sit in a chair.
  • Once the thighs are parallel to the ground, it is time to go back up; To do this, press towards the floor and release the air.
  • Repeat the movement, which must be controlled, about 10 or 12 times, depending on the planned repetitions. The speed will depend on how you feel. At first it may be difficult, but little by little you will do it faster and hold the position for longer.

Jump rope

According to a study published in the journal Research in Developmental Disabilities , the simple exercise of jumping rope can improve the aerobic capacity, flexibility and general physical condition of those who practice it. It will be very helpful in burning calories and reducing leg fat.

  • To start jumping rope, your feet need to be hip-width apart. The elbows should be positioned bent at a 90 degree angle and the arms, turned about 45 degrees outwards.
  • Perform two sets of 15 jumps, rest 30 seconds, and start over. Try to go faster and faster.


This exercise combines aerobics with bodybuilding. The raises in the step are used to work the thighs and calves, among other muscles of the legs.

One of its advantages is that you can do it with music at home – buy a step or build it with a box – or go to a class, where it will be more fun and you will share with a group of people.

  • An alternative is a step. Try to change the steps, but never forget that the back is straight.
  • As you progress, you can add weight with dumbbells and anklets.

Steps exercises to tone the legs

Heel raises

In this case, it is a technique that can be done at home without problems. With this work, you will tone your calves.

  • You should stand up and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. The head and back are straight.
  • Stand on tiptoe and hold on as long as you can; Lower yourself slowly and place your foot fully on the floor.
  • Rest a few seconds and repeat again. Do not rush, take time to do this exercise in the best way.
  • Perform three sets of 10 reps each.


This exercise allows you to strengthen your glutes, work your hips and tone your legs. Likewise, an investigation published by the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy affirms that it also strengthens the muscles of the middle zone of the body. It can be done anywhere, whether at home or in the gym:

  • Lay a mat or blanket on the floor and lie on your back, with your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your knees until the soles of your feet are fully on the floor.
  • Once in position, raise your hips to form a “straight bridge” from your knees to your neck.
  • Contract your glutes and abdomen as you do the movement.
  • To increase the difficulty of the exercise, place a weight plate on top of your abdomen.

Toning the legs requires perseverance and effort

By applying this exercise routine consistently and making it a habit, you will no doubt get closer to the toned legs you want. However, keep in mind that the implementation of the other aspects mentioned above is essential.

Regarding this, in addition to exercising the muscles correctly, it may be advisable to consume foods that contain protein, a fundamental nutrient in building lean mass.

Ultimately, remember to also take a few days off for the muscles to regenerate from the stress caused, which is when breakthroughs occur. To improve the process, it is advisable to also train other muscle groups, such as those of the upper body, to reduce fat levels throughout the body.

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