Treatment Of Hyperinsulinemia

Hyperinsulinemia is a metabolic stage closely associated with various chronic pathologies, so it can be dangerous. However, do not worry, below we will tell you about the treatment of it.

Many signs and symptoms have been described that are linked to certain metabolic diseases. Such is the case of the increase in insulin values, which is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Although this sounds very alarming, the treatment of hyperinsulinemia is quite simple  and we will talk to you about it.

It is important to remember a little about the functions of insulin. This is the hormone in charge of regulating glucose levels in the blood. Therefore, it will be the one that will induce the entry of sugar to the muscles and other peripheral tissues.

What is hyperinsulinemia?

Despite being well known, it is very difficult to specify a precise definition of what hyperinsulinemia is. Sometimes it is described as excess insulin in the blood. However, it is difficult to determine when we are in the presence of it, since there are no reference values.

In most cases, people are diagnosed with this pathology when tests are performed for other diseases. Diagnosis is made by comparing blood glucose and insulin levels during fasting.

On the other hand, the symptoms of this hormonal alteration are not very precise. When dealing with high insulin levels, it is common to observe hypoglycemia, that is, low blood glucose values. However, hypoglycemia is not specific, as it can be found in many pathologies.

Among other symptoms that people with hyperinsulinemia may present, the following stand out:

  • Sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing it later.
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Increased appetite
Woman exercises to lose weight.

Treatment of hyperinsulinemia

The treatment of hyperinsulinemia is very similar to that of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In both pathologies, the approach is focused on seeking a change in the patient’s lifestyle. In general, it is about people adopting more active and healthy everyday ways.

Changes in diet

The first thing that will be indicated to everyone with hyperinsulinemia will be a healthy, low-calorie diet. This in order to lose some weight. In fact, reducing 5-10% of body weight has been shown to be enough to improve various metabolic conditions.

In this same sense, a notable decrease in carbohydrate consumption is recommended to reduce blood glucose. In turn, the consumption of saturated and trans fats should be restricted. Ideally, maintain a daily intake of less than 7% saturated fat and less than 1% trans.

On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the intake of foods rich in fiber, such as cereals, fruits, vegetables and grains. In addition, it is important to increase the consumption of monosaturated fats and omega 3. The daily protein ration should be around 20%.

Exercises and weight loss

This aspect will complement the healthy diet and increase weight loss. Diet changes and mild weight loss are proven to reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus after hyperinsulinemia by 58%.

In this sense, doing aerobic exercises for 30 or 40 minutes, 4 times a week, has great health benefits. Also, it is important not to take more than 2 days off between routines. This is in order to obtain better results.

It is important to remember that if it is a very sedentary person, the exercise should start lightly and will increase as the individual’s physical conditions improve.

Stress reduction

Psychological stress affects the body. This can cause an excessive release of glucose into the bloodstream and, consequently, an extra secretion of insulin. When the disorder becomes constant, it favors hyperinsulinemia.

For the aforementioned, within the treatment of hyperinsulinemia, stress reduction is recommended. People will always be instructed to try to lead a less busy life and to find various relaxation techniques.

Pharmacological and surgical treatment for hyperinsulinemia

At times, lifestyle changes may not be enough to reverse the hyperinsulinemia process. In these cases, it will be necessary to start a pharmacological treatment, which will be adapted to the case of each patient.

Among the drugs that can be administered are:

  • Inhibitors of insulin secretion.
  • Dextrose or glucose release stimulants.
  • Inhibitors of the effect of insulin.

Sometimes hyperinsulinemia can be caused by an insulin-producing pancreatic tumor. In these cases, a slightly more aggressive approach should be taken, even with the completion of a pancreatectomy.

Pancreas in the body.

Hyperinsulinemia treatment and lifestyle

As you can see, the diagnosis of hyperinsulinemia is very complex, so it often goes unnoticed. However, the treatment protocol is easy to apply. In most cases, a radical change towards a healthier lifestyle will improve the situation considerably.

In this way, everyone with hyperinsulinemia should try to improve their diet, increase physical exercise and reduce stress. All this will lower blood glucose and, consequently, decrease insulin secretion.

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