Dry Skin: 10 Surprising Factors That Cause It

In addition to hydrating it both internally and externally, if we perceive our skin to be dry we must make sure that it is not due to any more careful condition

Dry skin is not only an aesthetic question of our appearance. It is also a symptom of an imbalance in our body.

It can have an easy solution or it can be a disorder that we should treat as soon as possible to prevent more serious health problems in the future.

In this article we share 10 surprising factors that cause dry skin. They will surprise you!

Dry skin

Dry skin denotes a lack of hydration and appears dull and flaky. It is a type of skin that is more vulnerable to wrinkles or stretch marks, since hydration is related to elasticity.

Although the logical treatment is the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams daily, as well as masks, we must know that there are some health issues that can have dry skin as one of its symptoms.

For this reason, it is convenient for us to know what these disorders are, both to balance the skin and to prevent serious health problems.

10 factors that cause it

Here we go over 10 factors that can cause dry skin.

1. Drink little water

Which mineral water is the best

If we have dry skin, the first thing we should do is propose to drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day, on an empty stomach and outside of meals, depending on the season of the year, our rhythm of life, our age, etc.

With this simple habit we could definitively solve this skin problem and, incidentally, greatly improve the functioning of our body.

2. Diet low in healthy fats

Fats are good for health since, among other functions, they nourish our skin from the inside and give it a luminous, hydrated and firm appearance.

However, we must choose healthy fats :

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Ghee
  • Blue Fish

By adding these fats to our diet we can eliminate foods rich in harmful fats such as pastries, fried foods, sweets, sausages, etc.

3. Excess salt

Excess salt

If we eat a balanced diet but overindulge in salt, that also predisposes us to more dry skin.

The abuse of salt unbalances the fluids in our body and dehydrates us inside and out.

4. Excessive sun exposure

Sunbathing in excess causes dehydration and premature and gradual aging of the skin.

Although exposing ourselves to sunlight is a very healthy habit, we should do it continuously and for short periods of time, not exceeding 30 minutes.

We can help replenish skin hydration with an aloe vera-based lotion.

5. Thyroid problems

Thyroid Physiology and Hormone Synthesis

When the thyroid functions below normal, one of the symptoms is dry skin.

Those who suffer from hypothyroidism cannot hydrate the skin despite using nutritious lotions every day. In this case, the solution is to regulate the function of this gland.

6. Weakened lungs

The lungs have, among their functions, to keep the skin hydrated. For this reason we must try to breathe deeply and correctly, since our breathing is usually too shallow.

We can also take advantage whenever we can to go on excursions and enjoy the air without pollution.

7. Excess acidity


An acidified organism predisposes us to suffer diseases and makes us have dry skin.

For this reason, it is essential to follow a diet rich in alkaline foods, among which green leafy vegetables stand out.

This group of foods should not be missing from our menus, in the form of juices, smoothies and salads.

8. Intestinal permeability

This intestinal pathology, closely related to food and emotions, has dry skin as one of its symptoms.

One of the best remedies that we can take for this disorder are probiotics .

9. Lack of vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C cannot be lacking in our diet if we want to have hydrated skin without wrinkles.

In addition to consuming foods rich in this vitamin (citrus, pepper, acerola, guava, red fruits, parsley, etc.) we can also take it in supplement form.

10. Cosmetic abuse

We must not forget that cosmetics of poor quality or used in excess on our skin also cause dehydration and progressive deterioration.

As much as possible, we should use products that are natural and avoid those that contain harmful substances.

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