How To Avoid Excessive Sweating

All people perspire, either because it is summer, because they do sports or because the heating is very high. However, excessive sweating is a problem, creates a bad smell and is embarrassing to wear clothes with a large armpit halo. Learn some tips and home remedies to avoid it.

What to know about excessive sweating

The body’s way of eliminating toxins and impurities, as well as fat, is through sweat or perspiration. Sweat is generated by the aprocrine glands, which secrete pheromones to generate sexual attraction. However, in today’s society, smell is a cause for rejection.

Causes of excessive sweating include diet, genetics, or medications. The medical name for this disorder is hyperhidrosis. It can also affect the face, hands and feet, and is a problem suffered by 5% of the world’s population.

Cosmetics are not a good solution, because the only thing that is achieved with perfumes or deodorants is to “cover”, something that in the long run can cause skin irritations.

Tips to avoid excessive sweating

Excessive sweating hands

First of all, remember that sweat always dries, even if you feel drenched and don’t see a way out of this problem. However, being in a more pleasant place, the clothes will end up drying and your armpits or feet, too. But in addition, it is advisable to follow some tips:

Modify your expectations

A very common problem among those who face excessive sweating on a daily basis is that they unconsciously think “this time I will not sweat”, but that is impossible. When they start to perspire they become frustrated, depressed, ashamed, etc.

During the summer, analyze sweat as something normal, and that is something that happens to many people. This will reduce your anxiety.

Always carry water

A bottle of water in hot places or in full sun will be like an oasis in the middle of the desert. This change of habit will make you more hydrated and not suffer as much perspiration.

At the same time, it will help you eliminate more toxins, improve the health of the skin, nails and hair and help in the fat burning process.

Skip the caffeine

It is not only present in coffee but in other infusions and soft drinks (especially “cola”). You will be calmer and you will sweat less if you drink natural juices and water than a coffee with milk.

Wear cool and loose clothing

Lycra garments and other synthetic materials only aggravate the problem. The best are cotton shirts or socks that are not “to the body”, but allow the breathing of the pores. Avoid very dark colors, prefer white or pastel tones.

Home remedies for excessive sweating

Make a homemade deodorant or antiperspirant

The ones you get in stores remove the odor only, do not stop sweating and also clog pores with toxins (that’s why you have dark armpits). The ingredients of this natural deodorant are:

  • ¼ cup of baking soda (65 g)
  • 8 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil (120 ml)
  • ¼ cup of cornstarch (65 g)
  • A few drops of essential oil (optional).

To do this, mix everything, beating well. Refrigerate to solidify. Apply to the armpits, taking care not to do it after shaving.

Another homemade deodorant has half a cup of vinegar (125 ml) and 30 drops of essential oil, rosemary or lavender. Let it rest for a week in a container with a tight lid, in a dry place and out of direct light. Put three tablespoons in the water in the tub.

Also milk of magnesia can be a good deodorant home, because it removes the bad smell and sweat over possession time. Another alternative is to rub turnip juice in the armpits or areas where you sweat too much.


Sweat can be caused by an excess of clogged pores, by the cleaning products we use today. The best for this purpose are oatmeal, sea salt, coffee grounds, and lemon juice. Rub the area twice a week at night, before going to sleep.

Lemon to exfoliate

Steam baths

They can help you eliminate toxins from the body that then “come out” through the pores. You will also relax your body and mind, reducing the level of stress hormones. Take a bath for up to 20 minutes a day, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Other remedies

Use antiperspirant powder, which absorbs moisture and kills odor-causing bacteria. Another option is to mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with a few drops of essential oil and apply after showering.

Herbal teas, especially those with sage, are sweat-reducing. This plant is rich in vitamin B and magnesium, so it will reduce the stimulation of the sweat glands. Drink two cups a day maximum. Do not boil the infusion too much, it could release harmful toxins.

Drinking grape or tomato juice can help you maintain your body temperature and prevent it from getting too hot, causing sweating. Drink a glass per day or every other day, in the morning. It will also help you reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.

Meanwhile, potatoes can stop excessive perspiration. Cut some slices of raw potato and rub its juice on the skin. Leave on for a few minutes (until dry) and then rinse with mild soap and water.

They are little tricks to avoid or control excessive sweating. Try them and keep the one you like the most or it works best for you. It’s up to you.

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