8 Tips To Be More Resilient

To be more resilient it is essential to learn to see the bright side of things. Although it may seem otherwise, we always learn something from adversity. Having to face them necessarily makes us more creative people.

Resilience is the ability of a person to handle an adverse situation without losing their cool. In this article, we will give you some tips to make yourself a more resilient person. They will help you face complex situations with a positive attitude and equanimity. Ready to start?

Tips to be more resilient

While some people are already born with this ability, others must learn to be more resilient. This ability to know how to face any situation may even become your philosophy of life. So, pay attention to the following tips.

1. Trust yourself

Woman thinking looking at the sea.

A good starting point is to make a list of what you consider to be your strengths. Not; It is not narcissism, but a way to raise your self-esteem. Self-love is indispensable for the individual. It allows us to counteract stress and overcome very complicated situations.

Don’t forget what your skills are and focus your attention on them when something goes wrong. Trust in yourself, in your ability to do certain things. This will allow you to handle potential critical or complex situations effectively.

2. Surround yourself with positive people

The people around you have a very strong influence on you even if you are not aware of it. For this reason, it is essential that you choose your friends and the places where you spend your time well. For example, your friends or colleagues may not stop talking about misfortunes and bad news. If so, perhaps you should go in search of a more positive and optimistic environment.

But be careful: optimism is not synonymous with not being important to you, but with knowing how to appreciate the good side of what happens. So, we recommend:

  • If you have a problem, it is best to talk to someone you trust. That is, the one who, above all, is interested in helping you or who you know are in a position to do so.
  • Sometimes it happens that we trust certain people whose advice, for very different reasons, could nevertheless lead us down the path of failure. Hence, caution is so necessary. Only then will we be able to assess them in their proper measure. In other words, knowing what part to take from them. And, above all, be the architect of your own decisions, regardless of what even the people in your immediate environment think. Thus, throwing fuel on the fire or taking into account only the negative things, would seem to go in the opposite direction to what you need.

3. Don’t be your own enemy

low self-esteem

Perhaps this advice to be more resilient is something difficult to carry out because most of us tend to “see the glass half empty”. It is necessary, then, to distance ourselves from the situation that is affecting us. Above all, put aside the emotions that do not allow us to analyze it with a minimum objectivity.

  • Try to think constructively. This means: focus on finding solutions to the situation at hand.
    There is no use complaining about “your bad luck” if you do nothing to change. Remember that, beyond superstitions and false beliefs, you are the protagonist of your life. And as such, you have the ability to change many of the things that depend on you and your will.
    Being proactive has a not inconsiderable weight in the course that many events take in our lives.
  • Determine how you can get ahead and trust your ability to overcome the obstacles that come your way.

4. Find meaning in your life

We have all ever asked ourselves the question of what our role is in this world. There are many pages to which the attempt to answer this question inherent to the human condition has given rise. Beyond speculations of a philosophical nature, it is convenient to  be clear about what is being pursued from a personal point of view.

Personal goals are as many as there are individuals. Hence, giving advice in this regard is an almost impossible mission. It could be said, however, that the personal often includes other people.

Let’s take an example to illustrate the previous statement: becoming more involved with the community to which you belong could be an important source of personal enrichment. Volunteering could help you enhance the spiritual in you. In this sense, any activity that gives meaning to your day to day could be useful.

Without a doubt, these are some ways, very effective indeed, to learn to be resilient.

5. Accept the changes

Life is change. Many times, how flexible we are depends on whether we consider them positive for us, not. Flexibility is therefore one of the main characteristics of a resilient person.

Adapting to changes allows us to be better prepared to respond to any type of situation that involves conflict. Think that changes are the opportunity we need to move in new directions, meet our goals. In a word: to be happy. Don’t forget that adaptation is synonymous with survival and prosperity.

6. Take action

Standing idly by is the complete opposite of resilience. Keep in mind that doing nothing can make things even worse. Not intervening when it is necessary to do so usually has a cost for us. Not only can it make the situation fester, it can make the situation even more complex.

The solutions will not fall from the sky like rain or arrive at your house as if it were a package. Modifying something that you dislike is one of those reasons that merits the use of a part of our energy. To do this, you must get out of your comfort zone. Instead of complaining about what you don’t like, do something to change it!

7. Be optimistic

It’s hard to stay optimistic when things don’t go our way. Those are the kinds of situations that differentiate the resilient person from the non-resilient person. It does not mean that we ignore a problem, but that we put our energies at the service of the solution.

It is essential to understand that a negative situation is only momentary. What’s more, the same situation may seem less serious depending on how we handle it. And what is even more important: Remember that, despite the adversity of that situation, you surely have many good things to be grateful for.

8. Take care of your well-being

It is easier to be a negative person when we are stressed, have eaten poorly, or have not had enough sleep. Good habits therefore seem to go hand in hand with resilience. That we are more resilient, therefore, goes through taking care of your health, both physical and mental.

Therefore, it is essential that you dedicate some time to yourself, to practice exercises, to eat better and to rest at least seven hours every night. It is also necessary to reserve time to do what you like and relax.

Thus, playing with your children, taking a relaxing bath, drinking an infusion sitting comfortably on the sofa or reading a book, are some of the many possible options to provide you with the necessary rest. Anything you like is welcome. If your mind is calm, it will be in a better position to find the solution for each problem.

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