11 Ideas To Decorate The Headboard Of Your Bed

In general, the bedroom is an environment that does not allow too much furniture, in addition to a bed, nightstands and a closet. Therefore, we are going to know some ideas to decorate the headboard of your bed and make your room become the favorite place in the home.

Depending on the dimensions, we could add an armchair or a chest of drawers to fill any empty space, but it is not always possible. This is why the headboard of the bed could take center stage and give it a personal touch.

Importance of a pleasant environment for better sleep

Why is it important to sleep in a pleasant environment? For many reasons, but above all to enjoy the benefits of a good rest. In this frame the idea of ​​decorating the headboard of your bed is inserted.

Among the benefits we can mention thinking clearly, reacting quickly, improving memory and concentration. Poor sleep not only affects the functions of the body, but also disrupts the general quality of life, social, work and family relationships.

We take the recommendations of experts such as Luciano Gerbilsky on how to achieve a suitable and conducive environment for sleep:

  • Choose shades that inspire tranquility. Among them are sandy and earthy light tones. Wood brings a lot of warmth and contrasts well with beige, blues and greens.
  • Opt for lighting that emulates the sunset lights. It is suggested to use indirect lights at the headboard.
  • Use rugs made of materials with pleasant textures such as silk or wool.
  • Emphasize the bed. He encourages us to choose one that adapts to the curvature of the back and a good quality mattress. It also recommends that the bedding fabrics be light and cotton.

How to choose the perfect headboard for your bed

It is very easy to get lost in the universe of headboards. The varieties are many and most are so attractive that we will want to try them all. On the other hand, perhaps we give more relevance to style and aesthetics than to the functionality of the headboard. However, both are equally important.

In addition to making our bedroom look better, it protects us from the cold that radiates from the wall, from noise and prevents us from dirtying the walls with the rubbing of pillows. Let’s look at some options and why and when you should choose each of them.


It is not a minor issue, as it will set the style of your room. Depending on your tastes and the budget you manage, the options are varied. The wooden ones give a feeling of warmth and will allow you to play with lighter and darker tones, according to your preferences.

Headboard type

In this case, it is a headboard that is part of the bed structure or one that you buy separately. It may happen that the finishes of the bed and the headboard are not the same.

For example, the bed may come with or without legs that raise it off the ground; with bottom drawers or not. While the headboard you can choose a different style.


It is always preferable to opt for natural fibers, such as cotton or linen, because they are fresher. As in light tones to be more in tune with this type of fabrics.

In the case of synthetic fibers, they will be easier to clean and more resistant. With respect to the velvety ones, they will give you a more classic and luxurious wave. You can also incorporate buttons, such as those in the capitone style or studs on the sides.

A variant of this option is to choose an additional backrest of cushions that are incorporated into the headboard. In this way you have the comfort of pillows, but without dealing with them when they are as decorative objects on the bed.

You can place them on a wooden or iron bar. Upholstered headboards are softer and more comfortable if you want to lean on them to read or watch a movie.

With built-in bedside tables

This option is special for those who have little space in their bedroom to add bedside tables. In this case, you include them in the headboard design and adapt them to the dimensions of your room. You will achieve a minimalist style of great practicality.

Dividing headboards

Many times the headboard can be used to separate a dressing room, a bedroom bathroom or a dressing table, among other spaces.


Let’s review some premises:

  • The horizontals will make your room appear more spacious, while the verticals will give a feeling of height.
  • From where the mattress height ends, you should have at least 65 centimeters of headboard view. Towards the sides it should not pass 20 centimeters from the end of the mattress and bed.

Ideas to decorate the headboard of your bed

This is our selection of the best ideas to decorate the head of your bed. Make your room have a special and unique atmosphere.

1. Headboard with pictures

This is a very modern idea that is being used. Tables, photographs or prints are placed in place of where the headboard would go. In this way, the focus is on the images.

You just have to be careful with the photos we choose and the reasons. Remember that the bedroom is a space for rest and should call us to calm down.

2. Functional headboards

They are excellent for optimizing spaces to the maximum. These headboards have built-in shelves and storage spaces. On the upper shelves you can place a nightstand and in the compartments what you like, from books to clothes.

3. Headboards with wallpaper

In this case, you can wallpaper only the portion of the wall that would correspond to the headboard or an entire wall delimiting the section of the headboard with a different motif. Creativity will be in the reason for the paper you choose, which should always go according to the general style of the bedroom.

4. Textile headboard

This option should be used with care so that it does not clash with the rest of the decoration of the room. The idea is to place a tapestry or a fabric with a pattern that you like the size of a headboard.

5. DIY headboard

You will only need some wooden slats to recycle as you like. The good thing about this idea is that the materials are very cheap because, in general, they are wooden doors that are no longer used or remnants of old furniture that need a face change.

6. Integrated shelf

On the wall where the headboard should go, there is a shelf integrated into the wall to place picture frames, design objects or souvenirs. In addition, you can place a lamp there and you will no longer need a light table.

7. Rustic wall

It is a good alternative to leave the headboard wall with the raw materials. It will give it a very original rustic and country touch.

8. Monochrome

It is within the minimalist options. You leave everything the same color, such as white: sheets, blanket, cushions, wall and some sheet in which this color predominates.

9. Headboard illuminated by neon lights

Although it is a bit daring, the effect that is achieved with neon lights is incredible. Try different colored letters and phrases to gain an eccentric look.

10. Degraded

Painting the wall in two or more colors where the headboard should go can be a good idea. A dusk, a dawn or the rainbow. The imagination knows no limits.

11. Mirrors

With a mirrored headboard you will gain space and create a sexier atmosphere that will become irresistible.

Decorate the headboard of your bed to personal taste

We hope we have been a trigger for ideas and that with these suggestions you can create yours and make your bedroom a great place. Always remember the purpose of the room, which is to promote a peaceful and restful sleep, so be careful when choosing a very dark color palette.

As you have seen, anything goes: paintings, photographs, old wood, tapestries. Let your imagination fly and be encouraged to innovate.

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