How Important Is Collagen For The Skin?

In addition to maintaining the elasticity of the skin, collagen also plays a key role in promoting wound healing and reducing their marks.

Collagen is part of the structure of the dermis. It gives the skin its most compact and lush appearance. Also, it gives it elasticity and firmness. In this article, we will talk about the importance of collagen for the skin and its main functions.

What is collagen

What is collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. On this basis, it is convenient to know that:

  • It is made up of chains of amino acids that provide flexibility and resistance to the tissues.
  • It is an important component for the skin, but also for the bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
  • Also protect muscles and vital organs. And, it is part of the blood vessels, the gums, the corneas and the scalp.

Other data of interest

Collagen production begins to decline after age 40.  That is the reason why, from that age, we begin to experience the first signs of aging. However,  certain factors and habits could accelerate or delay the aging process, in which collagen undoubtedly plays an essential role.

For example, eating a diet rich in protein, including fish, chicken, gelatin, and soy, will provide the body with adequate amounts of collagen. By the way, we will wear youthful skin for much longer.

On the other hand, when our diet is not balanced and the body no longer produces enough collagen, the opposite occurs. Not only does the skin become rough and fine, but sagging, cellulite and wrinkles appear.

Elastin and collagen, are they the same?

They are often confused. Perhaps this occurs because both are key factors when it comes to skin health. But, they are not the same.

  • Collagen is a chain of proteins or polypeptide found in fibrous or connective tissues. That is, it is located in the inner layers of our body and constitutes 30% of the total content of muscle tissue. It therefore acts as a kind of glue that holds the tissues together.
    • For its part, elastin is also a protein. It is also found in connective tissue, but, unlike collagen, it is in its intermediate layers.  And, it is responsible for providing elasticity to the skin. It means that it is responsible for the tissues returning to their initial position after being stretched or contracted. It can be found in the lungs, intestines, arterial walls, and, of course, on the skin.

    So both proteins complement each other. If we talk about the dermis, for example, collagen gives it strength and resistance to traction, while elastin gives it elasticity and softness. Hence, they also influence the appearance of the skin. Its lack will result, therefore, in wrinkles and lack of tension or flaccidity.

    Also, it is essential to know that both collagen and elastin play an important role in wound healing. For this reason, the repair of a cut in the skin is much faster in a child or very young person, than an elderly person and, even, than an adult.

    What is collagen for

    Elastin and collagen are the same

    There are many benefits of this protein for the beauty of the skin; worth saying, for health. Among the main ones, we can highlight the following:

    1. Nourishes, hydrates and protects the skin

    It protects us from external agents such as, for example, the sun, cold or environmental pollution. In addition, it moisturizes and transports the necessary nutrients to nourish the dermis.

    2. Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

    As a consequence of a reduction in collagen production, in adulthood we see that the skin becomes wrinkled and loses firmness. The appearance of  so-called facial expression lines, then, are the first sign of a deficiency of this protein. If it were in the right amount, the dermis would be elastic and smooth enough that these would not take place.

    3. Reduces acne

    The abundance of pimples and blackheads typical of adolescence is not due to a lack of collagen. They are due to hormonal changes that take place in the body.

    Although to a lesser extent, this protein is also responsible in adulthood, to reduce scars, including those caused by acne.

    4. Heal and heal wounds

    When we suffer a cut, a burn, an operation or the removal of a mole, collagen is responsible for accelerating the healing process. Also, it is responsible for reducing the marks left by these types of injuries.

    5. Reduces cellulite and flaccidity

    Without a doubt, this is an extremely important protein to maintain the firmness and tension of the skin. Therefore, having enough collagen in the body would allow us to combat the so-called “orange peel”.

    How to increase collagen

    Surely, you are wondering how you could help the body produce collagen. Well, eating a balanced diet is essential to stimulate the production of this important protein.

    Hence our insistence that quality proteins cannot be lacking in our daily diet. Neither do minerals and vitamins. Consuming  antioxidants to prevent collagen molecules from breaking down should also be one of our priorities.

    In this way, it is essential to consume:

    • lean meats
    • fish
    • skimmed dairy

    Vitamin C, for its part, is of great help in the production of this element. Therefore, it is advisable to also eat citrus fruits, tomato, kiwi and cabbage.

    On the contrary, you should limit the consumption of foods such as sausages. It is true that they provide collagen, but they also contain large amounts of animal fat. It does not mean that you give them up, but that you eat them in moderation.

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