The Benefits Of Beet Juice In Heart Failure Patients

In this article we want to tell you about the great benefits of beet juice. It is rich in antioxidants, nitrates and contains multiple vitamins. Therefore, it becomes an essential food that we should not do without.

Also, thanks to recent research, we know that the benefits of beet juice are greater than we expected. Also, it increases health and muscle strength in patients who have suffered from a heart problem. Great news that we want to share with you.

Beet juice to strengthen our hearts

The news was published on Monday, September 21, 2015 in the magazine “HealthDay”. The work was carried out at the University of Washington (United States). Its author, Dr. Linda R. Peterson, was hopeful about the results obtained:

  • In the study, a series of patients suffering from various coronary diseases, especially people who had just had a myocardial infarction, were used as experimental subjects.
  • In the tests they were offered a glass of concentrated beet juice. Undiluted, just the blended vegetable.
  • The effect was almost immediate. At two hours the patients showed a 13% increase in power in their muscles.
  • They were capable of moderate or even high intensity activities. An example of this was climbing stairs. As you already know, one of the most expensive activities for those who have this ailment is to perform this common exercise, which involves exercising the heart and leg muscles.

The role of nitric oxide

  • Dr. Linda R. Peterson took as a starting point the fact that many elite athletes consume beet juice to enhance their activity. So why not try it in patients suffering from a heart condition?
  • In view of the good results, it is deduced that beet juice improves the power and muscular strength of the heart thanks to its high concentration of nitrates.
  • The body converts nitrates to nitric oxide. This element helps us to increase metabolism and the volume of blood vessels. So you don’t just burn more fat; is that the blood circulates better.
  • We can find nitrate in both beets and spinach or any green leafy vegetable.
  • The study was carried out in a small group of people, but the researchers plan to put it into practice in a much larger sample.


If we have any heart ailments, what are the benefits of beet juice?

According to the authors of this same study, consuming beet juice every day can help us have a better quality of life. Now, you have to take into account some basic aspects:

  • Beet juice will not give us strength throughout the day  to perform high intensity activities. Absolutely.
  • This natural remedy offers us a limited and fair help, that is, after two hours we will notice an increase in energy and resistance. We can climb stairs, carry shopping bags, take a little walk …

    They are, in essence, common activities that sometimes after suffering a heart attack we cannot perform in the same way or, simply, it is impossible. Let’s say that beet juice acts as a very useful energizing and invigorating remedy for day-to-day life.

    Also indicate that it is not only suitable for patients with heart problems. It will also be very useful to those people who suffer from periods of weakness, who are convalescing or who are currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

    Other benefits of beets

    Aging healthy, another of the benefits of beet juice

    As we get older we gain in experience, but lose some of our health. One fact that we cannot forget is that the muscles become weaker and that we have less strength. The simple fact of taking a natural beet juice every day can help us to strengthen them, to have that daily energy that would allow us to have a better quality of life.

    A natural source of antioxidants

    Have you noticed its color? An intense crimson red, with a fresh earthy flavor. All this already gives us clear clues about its benefits and its high antioxidant content:

    • These antioxidants strengthen our tissues  and fight against free radicals.
    • We avoid premature aging.
    • We obtain adequate protection against various types of cancer.
    • We strengthen the immune system.

    Beets are rich in iron and vitamin C

    What does this mean? That beets will be very useful in case we suffer from anemia. And even more, given its richness in vitamin C, we manage to optimize from liver function, kidney function, we fight against bad cholesterol or LDL …

    In conclusion

    Given these data, we should not doubt it. Regular consumption of beet juice will allow us to enjoy a better quality of life, whether we are healthy, or if we have just suffered a heart problem. Take care of your health with the always tasty beets.

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