Is Red Meat Bad For Your Health?

A few years ago, an article came to light that linked the consumption of red meat with an increase in the chances of premature death. However, the results of this study have been misrepresented by the press and the conclusions are wrong by journalists.

The article in question related the consumption of processed red meat with an increased cardiovascular risk and cancer risk. However, these diseases were not related to red meat itself, but to its industrial processing.

In the industry, a good amount of additives are added to the meat that can put health at risk in the medium or long term. However, the press extended this risk to the consumption of red meat in general.

From this moment on, red meat was demonized, favoring restrictive and vegan diets. In addition, the consumption of animal feed was recommended very occasionally, not more than once every two weeks.

Red meat is necessary

beef and veal

The human being, as an omnivorous animal, needs a varied diet. Red meat should be part of the diet, although in moderate amounts, as experts say. On the one hand, it provides a good amount of proteins of high biological value, which have all the essential amino acids and have adequate digestibility. In addition, it is a highly bioavailable iron-rich food and is a source of B vitamins.

Red meat, under a suitable culinary process (grill, oven), must appear at least once in the weekly diet. However, you should avoid consuming processed meat foods, according to a study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. Cold cuts, especially fatty ones, have a large amount of additives, nitrites and other substances necessary for their preservation that can be harmful to health when eaten on a regular basis.

The consumption of these processed foods should be done sporadically, no more than once every 2 or 3 weeks. A balanced and healthy diet should prioritize the intake of fresh products.

Eating meat prevents anemia

One of the problems with vegan diets is the increased chances of anemia. The iron present in vegetables has a low availability. To this we add the probable deficiency of vitamin B12, in the absence of supplementation. The result of this cocktail is a possible anemia in the medium term.

Anemia is a disease that develops slowly, so, in many cases, its symptoms remain latent for a long period of time.

However, the consumption of meat very efficiently prevents the development of this pathology. In fact, red meat is the one with the highest amount of highly bioavailable iron. Therefore, the consumption of this type of food at least once a week would be enough to correct the deficiencies of these micronutrients.

increase iron absorption

Be careful with cooking methods

Another problem with consuming red meat is the cooking method to which it is subjected. On many occasions, it is fried, increasing the production of acrylamide and, with it, the risk to health. Other times, it is smoked or consumed on the grill, being two risky cooking methods for the development of diseases in the medium term.

However, its consumption on the grill (as long as it does not burn), in the oven or in stews, does not pose any danger to health. It is interesting to eat red meat undercooked rather than overcooked, especially when it comes to grilling. In these situations, it is essential to guarantee the quality of the meat and its health, to prevent possible food poisoning.

Eat red meat, but in moderation

The consumption of red meat is not harmful to health ; on the contrary, it is necessary. Yes, the consumption of industrially processed meat can be dangerous, as well as an incorrect preparation of the meat using inappropriate cooking methods. For this reason we can include this type of food in the diet. However, we must try to make it as varied as possible and balanced from the energy point of view. In this way we will help improve health and prevent diseases in the medium and long term.

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