Getting A Tattoo For The First Time: Ideas, Advice And Care

A tattoo is a design engraved on the skin that allows you to have a symbol with a unique meaning. However, becoming one is a decision that must be thought through very well, as it is final. In this article you will find the considerations that must be taken into account to get tattooed for the first time and what are the care to follow.

Tattoos have been used since ancient times by various peoples. The word ‘tattoo’ comes from the island of Tahiti in Polynesia, from the word ta , which is related to ‘drawing’ and ‘hitting’. It is believed that the inhabitants of this island were the first to make marks on their skin.

Throughout history tattoos have had various connotations. They have been used as a symbol of power, a religious sign, a sign to mark slaves and prisoners, and have even been frowned upon or rejected. The truth is that there are increasingly more developed techniques and tattoo artists manage to make works of art.

Tips to keep in mind before getting a tattoo for the first time

Tattooing is a procedure in which inks are injected into the epidermis with the use of a needle that penetrates the skin at a speed between 50 and 150 times in a second. Some people report that it is painful.

However, for others it is simply annoying. The pain depends on each one and the area chosen to be tattooed, with the nerve endings that are there.

In addition to the possible pain it generates, it is an almost permanent decision. Although there are certain mechanisms that allow a tattoo to be erased, they are usually expensive or painful procedures. Therefore, you have to be sure of the decision.

Likewise, it is pertinent to attend a place where strict hygiene and health measures are followed. It involves injecting the skin and making a wound, so the dangers should be minimized by tattooing responsibly. Here are some tips to keep in mind with your first tattoo.

Continue reading: Laser to erase tattoos: how does it work on the skin?

1. Save for a good budget

Although this advice seems obvious, many people regret not investing enough in their first tattoo. It is important to have a budget that allows access to a tattoo artist who manages high quality standards, not only for the aesthetic part, but also for health.

Tattoo artist doing a tattoo for the first time.

2. Find a good tattoo artist

With social networks it is possible to easily know the portfolio of the tattoo artist. More than his fame, it is important to look at his talent and that his style is pleasing to you. In addition, you must have chemistry with your tattoo artist, so that he answers all your questions and, if necessary, allows you to inspect the place.

3. Choose the design and style very well

There are many beautiful styles for tattooing. There are some of the realistic type, others that simulate watercolor, some that are based on geometric figures or that are miniature.

It is important that you explore them and seek inspiration. Then you should look for a tattoo artist that fits the style you want, since each one usually specializes in a type of tattoo.

If you are not convinced by the style that the tattoo artist has designed, mention it in time to make all the adjustments until you are satisfied. It is a lifelong decision that deserves to be worked hard.

4. Do not consume alcohol or drugs before tattooing

Your tattoo artist will surely recommend you not to consume alcohol or drugs a few days before your tattoo session. It is very important that you follow this recommendation, as these types of substances can affect healing and cause you to bleed more during the process.

In addition, alcohol can cause alterations in the nervous system, the heart and the immune system.

5. Prefer a not-so-large tattoo

Each person has a different resistance to pain. Therefore, it is a good idea to get a small tattoo the first time.

In this way, it is possible to know the feeling of tattooing and the reaction on the skin. This way you will not run the risk of not resisting and leaving the tattoo half done. And you will know with greater certainty if you are comfortable with tattooing.

6. Avoid tattooing on moles

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests getting tattooed in a mole-free area. This recommendation is given because a tattoo can make it difficult to detect the first symptoms of skin cancer.

One of the warning signs is the change in shape and size of the moles. When skin cancer is found early, it is treatable, including melanoma, one of the most dangerous varieties.

7. Find out about the type of inks used

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology points out that it is very important to inquire about the quality and certification of the inks to be used. In addition, he recommends taking a photograph of the bottle, showing the batch and the manufacturer.

This will facilitate the work of the dermatologist in case of adverse situations. Likewise, it points out the need to keep a personal record with the data of the tattoo artist’s study, the date, the type and the information of the inks that were used.

8. Bring comfortable clothes to the session

Although it seems obvious, it is important that you wear comfortable clothes and items that make you feel calm. If you are going to get a leg tattoo and then wear a very tight jean or clothing, it will be difficult to put it on.

To entertain yourself and not think about the pain of the tattoo, you can download a music playlist that relaxes you or keeps you happy. You can also watch a series or a movie. Even going with a friend can be a good idea.

Care to consider after getting a tattoo for the first time

After getting a tattoo, in addition to a work of art on your skin, you will have a wound that needs to heal. Therefore, the care you take will be essential for the application to look good over time.

1. Follow the care recommendations

After tattooing, the tattoo artist should apply a moisturizer and put a thin layer of plastic on top to bandage it. In general, the bandage can be removed within 24 hours and should be washed with an odorless antibacterial soap. Try not to rub it because it could affect it.

For about a month you should use an antibacterial ointment to help you heal. You must be rigorous with the process so that it heals well and is healthy.

2. Avoid irritating foods and medications

If you take any medication continuously it is important that you consult with your doctor about tattoo plans. However, once tattooed it is also important that you avoid taking medications that can alter your coagulation.

For this, you should consult with your GP about the particular situation. It is also important that you avoid consuming foods that can be irritating or inflammatory, such as highly spicy or spicy foods, alcohol, tobacco, and sugar.

3. Protect it from the sun

In the first days and weeks after tattooing it is important that you do not allow the sun to come into contact with your tattoo, so that the healing process is correct.

However, afterwards it is important that you also take care of the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology explains that ultraviolet rays can fade tattoo ink. In this regard, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with a protection factor greater than 30 and apply it every 2 hours in case of exposure.

4. Hydrate it

US Dermatology Partners , a network of dermatologists in the United States, points out that the care that must be taken to maintain healthy skin is even more important for tattooed skin.

Therefore, he recommends constantly moisturizing the tattoo to keep it looking good in the long term. Similarly, it highlights the importance of drinking enough water, as it has many health benefits and makes the skin healthier.

Ideas for getting a tattoo for the first time

When it has been decided to have a tattoo, it is normal for a lot of emotion and nerves to arise. Therefore, it is wise to seek inspiration and various design options.

You don’t always have to take the final design to the tattoo artist, as their job is to advise you and adapt your idea to the ideal design for you. Here are some inspirations.

Something that represents your passion

A tattoo should be something that you feel comfortable with and identify with. So getting a symbol of what you are passionate about is a great idea !

If you are passionate about travel, a small compass, a world map or an airplane can look great. Do you like music? You can try a musical symbol or an instrument. If you are passionate about painting, a brush or watercolor can go very well.

Tattoo design for the first time.

A phrase or symbol that identifies you

A tattoo can be a constant reminder of your inspiration. Therefore, you can tattoo a symbol that reminds you of a purpose, inspiration or values.

A small phrase or word, a symbol of your religion or simply a drawing that reminds you of your essence will be a unique and beautiful personal brand.

A photograph of a significant being

There are people or animals that mark people’s lives. For this reason, tattoos created from photographs are very popular.

If this is your case, you can tattoo the face of your pet, your parents, grandparents or children. Even if you don’t like realistic style tattoos, you can find a tattoo artist who will draw that special being in an artistic style.

A work of art on your scar

There are tattoo artists who have specialized in transforming scars into works of art. It is a beautiful way to resignify a painful process and transform it. This is the case of the scars that remain after breast cancer, car accidents or amputations.

See a dermatologist in case of reactions

After learning about tattoo care and ideas for the first time, your next step is likely to be an appointment with a tattoo artist. However, keep in mind that the skin can have an immediate adverse reaction to tattoo ink. However, skin damage can also occur months or years later.

Therefore, it is important that you closely monitor tattoos and see a dermatologist in case of anything abnormal. Remember that the tattoo artist is an expert in capturing designs on the skin, but he is not a doctor.

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