11 Foods That Affect Your Digestion And Make You Constipated

Everyone has suffered from constipation at some time in their life, and they often try to alleviate the symptoms by eating foods rich in fiber.

Although this may be a temporary solution, the reality is that when you stop ingesting them your problems will reappear. By constantly going through this process, your digestive system may become inflamed and unable to break down food normally.

If you ever wondered what are the foods that could affect your digestion and cause constipation, in this article you will find the answer. Do not miss it!

Why do some foods constipate?

bad food

Many of the people who suffer from  constipation consume foods whose composition does not help to facilitate digestion, as they are based on:

  • Saturated fats
  • Sugars
  • Carbohydrates
  • Low water level

We can find them, above all, in foods such as:

1. Milk 

We could include milk among these foods, because it  is a product with high levels of fat, lactic acid and lactose. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Chile.

For those people who suffer from constant constipation, it is normal for this food to produce:

  • Stomach discomfort
  • Gases
  • Abdominal pain

2. Red meat

food meats

Red meats are foods that have very low levels of fiber and high levels of fat, making their digestion quite difficult. In fact, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (United States) prohibits it in this report in diets to treat constipation, as well as fried and processed.

3. The cheeses

As with milk, cheese is a food that contains:

  • Lactic acids
  • Lactose
  • High levels of fat

These components are difficult to digest for people suffering from constipation.

4. Caffeine

coffee food

Those who are addicted to caffeine may suffer from constipation and cystitis, as  this food causes a high degree of dehydration. This study carried out by the Health Care and Services Research Unit (Spain) reaffirms this assumption.

The reason? By acting as a diuretic, caffeine increases water elimination and can lead to constipation for two reasons. First, because by urinating frequently, the colon does not receive enough fluid to process stool.

Second, because the overactive absorption of fluid from the colon also decreases the moisture required for smooth and steady bowel movements. The result is hard, dry stools that are difficult to remove.

5. Fried foods

In addition to not providing benefits for the body, fried foods tend to have high levels of saturated fat, according to this study conducted by Emory University (United States).

Saturated fats can cause slow movement of food through the digestive system.

6. Sugar

pastry food

Sugar, either in powder or in foods such as:

  • Cakes
  • Cupcakes
  • Biscuits
  • Sodas

These products usually contain high levels of fat, and also have very little fiber and very low water level ;  for these reasons it is not advisable to include them in the daily diet.

7. The eggs 

Despite the benefits that an egg gives the body, such as vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin B12, if not consumed correctly they could cause some problems with constipation.

This is stated in this report by the National Institute of Aging (United States).

8. Chocolate

Chocolate is believed to be one of those foods that a constipated person should not consume. However, there is no scientific evidence to support such a claim.

9. Bananas

banana food

It is believed that if bananas are still green, they can release gases that will eventually accumulate inside the intestines. These gases would cause inflammation in the digestive system, which could trigger constipation.

However, this study carried out by the South China University of Technology assures that the banana could improve the symptoms of constipation, so we recommend consulting with a doctor first.

10. Alcohol

Although alcohol is not considered a food, many people consume it frequently.

The problem with alcohol is that it not only causes dehydration, it also forces our body to recover fluids directly from our intestines, in order to keep the most important organs hydrated.

Thus, the intestine will have a lower level of hydration, which will cause inflammation and subsequent constipation, according to this report obtained by the American Addiction Centers.

  11. The cornstarch

cornstarch food

Cornstarch, mostly known as cornstarch, is a refined cereal, capable of worsening the situation if it is ingested by someone with constipation problems, as this research carried out by the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University Provincial Hospital (Cuba) assures.

In turn, cornstarch has astringent properties capable of absorbing the water found within the intestine.

If you are one of the people who suffer from constipation continuously,  the healthiest thing is not to consume cornstarch more than once a week.

To alleviate the symptoms of constipation and avoid its continuous appearance, we suggest you maintain a balanced diet, rich in fiber, unsaturated fats and plenty of water.

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