Edema: 6 Tips To Combat It With Diet

Increasing your water intake and avoiding foods with too much sodium can help stimulate kidney and lymphatic function to combat edema.

People with edema can experience improvement in symptoms by making some changes to their diet. Although there are several factors that intervene in the development of this disorder, eating habits can facilitate its control.

This is because some foods promote kidney and lymphatic function, which is essential to expel the fluids accumulated in the tissues. Plus, they contain key nutrients to regulate electrolyte balance and keep inflammation under control.

Do you feel an uncomfortable feeling of heaviness? Do you notice your limbs swollen? If you experience these and other symptoms of fluid retention, feel free to put all the diet tips we share in the next space into practice. Take note!

What is an edema?

Edema is a disorder whose main symptom is the accumulation of fluids in the body. It is produced by a lack of control of the processes that regulate the movement of body fluids, which triggers an inflammatory reaction.

It is not a disease as such, but it can appear as a symptom of kidney problems, high blood pressure or sudden hormonal changes. In fact, in some cases it is the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and a diet rich in fat, sodium and sugars.

Symptoms of an edema

The symptoms of an edema can vary in each person, depending on the severity with which it occurs or the underlying cause. However, at a general level, it presents some manifestations that allow it to be identified:

  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Reduction of urination.
  • Tiredness and general malaise.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the body.
  • Weight gain for no apparent reason.
  • Cellulite on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
  • Swelling of the limbs, wrists and abdomen.

Tips to combat edema with diet

Although some cases of edema require medical treatment, most of the time it can be controlled with some changes in diet. For that reason, below we want to review six good tips to improve it.

1. Take olive oil in moderation

Extra virgin olive oil

Consuming olive oil and healthy fats has interesting health benefits. Due to its nutritional composition, it favors the absorption of some essential vitamins and reduces inflammation,  according to a publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

However, its daily dose should not exceed three tablespoons, because in excess it favors edema.

2. Consume water and healthy fluids to reduce edema

The consumption of water, infusions and detox broths can help increase the diuresis of the body to stimulate the elimination of retained fluids. These drinks improve circulation and kidney work to reduce the presence of fluids in the tissues.

3. Limit your salt intake

Table salt shaker

Although salt has always been used in cooking, its use is discouraged in cases of edema. This is because excess sodium causes imbalances in the body,  which increases the susceptibility to this problem. Thus, table salt and that found in foods such as:

  • Cured cheeses.
  • Fried foods and snacks.
  • Stuffed meats.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Bread and pastry products.
  • Canned and pre-made food.

This class of processed products usually also contain trans fats in their composition. These nutrients contribute to promoting a state of inflammation, according to a study published in the journal Progress in Lipid Research, which conditions an increased risk of edema.

4. Increase the consumption of diuretics to fight against edema

Diuretic foods are those whose nutritional composition supports the processes to relieve edema. They are generally rich in water, potassium and magnesium, all necessary to optimize the functioning of the kidneys. Some effective options are:

  • Pineapple.
  • Melon.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Watermelon.
  • Ginger.
  • Artichoke.
  • Beet.
  • Asparagus.
  • Parsley and celery.
  • Horse tail.

5. Consume green tea for breakfast

Green tea cups

The diuretic and antioxidant properties of green tea can help address this condition. Therefore, its intake is recommended as part of breakfast or mid-morning. It is a good substitute for coffee and other drinks that do little or nothing against this problem.

In addition, green tea is rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which can prevent the risk of developing other types of pathologies. The possible properties of this drink in reducing the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases have been exposed in the scientific literature.

6. Increase fruits and vegetables

Increasing the consumption of fresh and raw foods such as fruits and vegetables can provide the body with some key nutrients for kidney and lymphatic function. For example, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals together help prevent inflammation.

Thus, the ideal is to take them at least three times a day as part of the treatment against retention. In addition, in case of heaviness and pain in the extremities, they can be taken up to five times, either alone or in juices and smoothies.

Improve diet to fight edema

Are you suffering from any of the symptoms of edema? If so, take our advice into account. As you can see, they are very easy to apply and do not force you to follow a strict diet or something similar, but rather, to introduce some improvements in your lifestyle.

Remember that in order for you to see better results, the ideal would be to avoid the consumption of alcohol, soft drinks and other ultra-processed industrial beverages and edibles.

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