10 Foods To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Sight is one of the most important human senses, since it allows us to perceive part of the world around us. And although it relies on the rest of the senses (touch, smell, taste and hearing), most of the time it is usually considered as the main sense. So having healthy eyesight becomes a priority for many people.

Now, the sense of sight can be impaired by various factors. Either due to age or external agents (such as solar radiation) or the use of electronic devices regularly, the truth is that in one way or another, there may be deterioration.

However, when good lifestyle habits are maintained and some additional guidelines are followed (which we will discuss later), it is possible to reduce the risk of deterioration and maintain healthy eyesight. 

Although it may not seem like it, diet plays a fundamental role when it comes to visual health. Therefore, below we will tell you what are the foods that you should keep in a balanced diet to keep your vision in good condition.

1. Eggs

Basket of eggs

Thanks to its high levels of zinc and omega 3, eggs are one of the best foods for eye health. These nutrients are able to prevent vision problems, such as:

  • Myopia.
  • Presbyopia.
  • Astigmatism.

In addition, it is one of the foods with the greatest variety of preparation, being able to cook them as omelettes, fried eggs, batters, sweets, etc.

2. Fish

Like eggs, fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, a nutrient capable of:

  • Protect the eye from the muscle degeneration existing around it.
  • Moisturize the eyeballs, avoiding injuries due to dryness.

In addition, omega 3 is also responsible for protecting organs such as our brain and heart.

3. Red fruits

Red fruits, such as raspberries, cherries and blueberries, provide us with anthocyanins, molecules that improve blood flow to our eyes. This is not only excellent for retinal maintenance and repair, it also significantly improves light adaptation and uptake.

4. Figs


Figs are fruits that contain high levels of zinc, and consumed constantly, they can help strengthen eyesight. In addition, it is able to more easily manage the perception of the eye in the face of radical changes in light and weather conditions.

5. Vegetables

Vegetables, besides being extremely healthy and they bring a lot of benefits to the health of our body, are rich in vitamin A and B.

These vitamins are essential for the health and maintenance of our eyesight, since they protect it from any type of damage that may be caused internally.

6. Nuts

Variety of nuts

Nuts have the benefit of being an excellent source of nutrients for the health of our body. These contain vitamins and minerals capable of keeping it in good working order.

By containing vitamin B, they help to strengthen our vision, strengthening your muscles and preventing their loss.

7. Dairy

Products derived from milk (cheese, cottage cheese, curd, yogurt …) contain beneficial nutrients for our body. Especially vitamin A, an essential element for the health of our eyes.

8. Carrots

Another food that provides a huge amount of benefits to our health, and especially to the well-being of the eyes, is the carrot. This vegetable is one of the best sources of vitamin A.

Being constantly consumed, this component will facilitate our vision in the dark and will keep our eyes in good condition.

We also suggest you read: Tips to keep your eyes healthy

9. Citrus


Citrus foods are high in vitamin C. This protects and regenerates collagen within the muscles around the eyes.

Also, vitamin C facilitates the absorption of nutrients and vitamins from other foods and that we need for our eye health.

10. Cereals

Yes, cereals also contribute to healthy eyesight and prevent the appearance of eye diseases, since they provide the following nutrients:

  • B12 vitamin.
  • Folic acid.
  • Fiber.

Other tips for healthy eyesight

Good lifestyle habits influence all aspects of health and, of course, contribute to healthy eyesight. Therefore, in addition to maintaining a balanced diet, it is recommended to protect your eyes with sunglasses (especially in the summer season), keep them hydrated, adjust the brightness of electronic devices, place the computer screen at the appropriate distance, between other related measures.

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