How Can We Fight Infections Naturally?

The immune system is in charge of dealing with the entry of bacteria, viruses and any microorganism that wants to lodge in the body and make us sick. To increase the defenses it is necessary to eat well and the right foods. In the following article we answer the question of how we can fight infections naturally. Do not miss it!

Treat an infection without antibiotics

As the popular saying goes, prevention is better than cure . Therefore, it is necessary to eat well so that the immune system is strengthened and does not allow the entry of viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites into our body.

If you are getting sick a lot lately or if you want to treat infections without resorting to the drugs sold in pharmacies, it is necessary that your daily diet does not lack the following elements:

  • Vitamins A, C and E
  • Selenium and zinc
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Probiotics


Symptoms of an infection (anywhere in the body) are:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of appetite
  • Muscle pains
  • Joint pain

Since the immune system needs an optimal environment to be healthy, a balanced diet is not enough. For example, reduce anxiety and stress, get plenty of rest, exercise, and drink a good amount of water (in addition to juices, soups, and smoothies).

The best natural antibiotics to fight infections

Although preventive measures are essential, it can also happen that we get sick and need some treatment to reverse the situation. That’s when natural antibiotics kick in. That is, the remedies that we do not buy in a pharmacy but that we can find at home or in nature.

In addition to helping reduce infections, they are different from synthetics for the following reasons:

  • They do not have side effects such as stomach sensitivity or allergic reactions
  • They respect the beneficial microorganisms that inhabit our body, for example those found in the intestine
  • They do not cause symptoms by consuming them in excess (in most cases).
  • They are easy to get and affordable

Among the main natural antibiotics that will help you reduce infections and also prevent them we find:

1. Garlic

It is the best bactericidal and antiviral that exists, since it contains about 20 components with this property, in addition to 40 antibacterial elements. It can be used for respiratory diseases and fungi.

Garlic is one of the remedies to fight infections naturally

2. Onion

It belongs to the same family as garlic, so its composition is similar. It is a powerful natural antibiotic. You can eat raw onion in salads or put one open in the middle when you go to sleep to help you breathe better. It is an ideal remedy for flu, bronchitis, pharyngitis and in external use to disinfect.

3. Ginger

This root widely used in oriental food has several properties, such as antibacterial. It also increases the amount of intestinal flora and eliminates microorganisms harmful to health, such as E. Coli (which causes gastroenteritis) or H. Pylori (which causes stomach ulcers). It is advisable to consume only a pinch of ginger, either powdered or grated, because it can raise body temperature.


4. Melisa

This herb contains a large amount of thymol, with antibacterial properties. For example, it is used to treat the herpes simplex virus (in extract or infusion) and candidiasis (in essential oil). If you want to avoid becoming infected with certain viruses, you can drink lemon balm tea. One tablespoon of the plant per cup of water is enough. Sweeten with honey.

5. Drosera

In health food stores you can get the extract of this plant that contains an element called plumbagin. This compound works against many types of viruses and bacteria. Sundew is used to treat respiratory infections, such as colds and flu, and also for diarrhea.

6. Ulmaria

Another of the plants with antibiotic effects. Meadowsweet extract is used to eliminate bacteria that cause urinary infections or food poisoning. In some health food stores you can also get the leaves or flowers to consume in infusions.

7. Echinacea

It has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Without a doubt, it is a great alternative to synthetic or chemical antibiotics. Echinacea stimulates the immune system and helps make more white blood cells. You can consume this plant in the form of tea.

8. Thyme

You will surely use this spice to flavor your meals and you don’t know that it has outstanding antiviral properties. Thyme is an antibacterial par excellence, that although it does not kill bacteria, it does not allow them to multiply. It is used to disinfect and heal wounds.

9. Cardamom

It is a powerful all-natural antiseptic that kills bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis) but is also suitable for treating cavities, as well as  relieving stomach pain and ulcers caused by H. Pylori bacteria.


10. Rosemary

Another of the aromatics that you use in your dishes. It contains more than 20 antiviral and 40 antibacterial principles. If you consume it as an infusion, it fights germs and treats intestinal or respiratory diseases. It prevents the reproduction of pathogens.

11. Sage

It is a natural antibiotic used to treat respiratory conditions such as the flu or a sore throat. For this you must prepare a tea.


  • 1 tablespoon of sage (10 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


  • Add the tablespoon of sage to the cup of boiling water to mix.
  • Let stand a few minutes, filter, sweeten and drink.

You can also gargle when it has cooled down in cases of aphonia, hoarseness, laryngitis, pharyngitis or angina.

12. Tila

Many say that linden tea works to calm the nerves, however, it also has other properties. It is a powerful antiviral and antibacterial capable of inhibiting the growth of viruses and bacteria. You can get it in bags or sachets as well as the leaves to prepare an infusion and drink when you consider it necessary.

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