One Day Detox Plan To Eliminate Fluids In A Few Hours

Have you woken up today very bloated and would you like to eliminate liquids as soon as possible? Often many people wake up with fluid retention on their face, eyelids, belly, or legs, causing discomfort, heaviness, and poor appearance.

Discover in this article how you can solve it from first thing in the morning to eliminate liquids in a matter of hours with some health and diet tips. Take note!

1. Reduce the salt


Salt is necessary for the body, as long as it is of good quality, such as sea salt or Himalayan salt, and in small quantities. However, if we want to purify fluids quickly, we must reduce it from the diet until we can deflate.

  • Not adding salt to our dishes is easy, although not pleasant.
  • We can replace it with sea water and natural seasonings  (lemon, vinegar, mustard, aromatic plants, spices).
  • Sea water, despite being salty, balances body fluids.

We must also pay close attention to foods that hide large amounts of salt. It is the case of:

  • The cheese.
  • Sausages.
  • The sauces.
  • French fries.
  • The salty nuts.
  • The precooked ones.

2. Increase potassium

These are some foods that contain potassium

Potassium, unlike sodium, is a mineral that helps remove fluids from the body. To do this, we must incorporate it into the one-day detox plan, but also regularly. According to a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology , the intake of this mineral helps to reduce blood pressure, which is beneficial for the body.

Some foods high in potassium that we recommend eating are:

  • Tomato.
  • The zucchini.
  • Celery.
  • Artichoke.
  • The asparagus.
  • The coconut.
  • The guava.
  • The Kiwi.
  • The banana.

A good option would be to start the day with a banana, coconut and kiwi smoothie, sweetened with stevia. We can also prepare a tomato, zucchini, celery and asparagus salad, seasoned with garlic, vinegar, oregano and olive oil.

Likewise, drinking water or cleansing drinks will help us delay breakfast and lengthen the night fast. In this way the body will concentrate the energy in its natural diuretic capacity.

3. Drink water to eliminate fluids

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Although it seems a paradox, drinking water helps to eliminate more fluid than we retain, because we activate the functioning of the kidneys. However, it must be water of good quality and, if possible, low in sodium.

If we find it difficult to drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, we can try the waters flavored with lemon, fruit peelings, fresh herbs or a few drops of stevia.

4. Diuretic infusions

The 5 best infusions for good circulation.

As we want to achieve a rapid effect on the body, we must also drink a medicinal infusion with diuretic properties, that is, to facilitate the elimination of liquids:

  • Horsetail: It is one of the most powerful diuretics, so it should only be taken for days or seasons, not continuously.
  • Dandelion: Dandelion is very suitable because it not only acts on the kidneys, but also on the liver, making it a general cleansing remedy.
  • Burdock: Burdock enhances the elimination of fluids through urine and sweat.
  • Green nettle: This plant facilitates kidney function, cleanses the skin of impurities and is excellent for fighting anemia due to its iron content.
  • Green tea:  tea, in addition to promoting fluid loss, stimulates the oxidation of fats, thus helping to lose weight. This is evidenced by a study published in Molecules .

5. Dry brushing

dry brushing

The dry brushing technique, very useful to combat cellulite and tone the skin. It is a way of draining the entire body that will make us want to urinate almost immediately.

What should we do?

We will only need a brush for the body. With this we will perform friction from the soles of the feet, and always in the direction of the heart. We will insist on the lumbar area, which we can do ourselves or let them do it for greater comfort.

6. Get strenuous exercise

Another way to eliminate fluids through sweat is to practice medium intensity exercise that causes immediate sweating. It can also be interval exercise, which is becoming more and more fashionable. This consists of combining several seconds of very intense exercise with several seconds of rest for several times, following a route. In fact, this practice has proven to be very effective in stimulating weight loss as well.

In this way , the metabolism is activated , many calories are burned and you sweat more easily. To enhance sweating we can also consume ginger, a root that also activates the metabolism.

Improve habits to avoid fluid retention

With the tips that we have proposed you will be able to reduce fluid retention effectively. However, some consistency is necessary, the results will not occur overnight. It is important to maintain good lifestyle habits over time.

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