6 Characteristics Of A Great Friend

A great friend is faithful and unconditional in all circumstances, does not speak ill of you with other people or allow others to do so. It is present even though it is far away. Distance and time do not break the bond. You are a great friend? Do you have a great friend?

Do you consider that you surround yourself with good company? Do you think you are a great friend? It is undeniable that we all need those people to accompany us on the road even if they are not physically by our side.  They motivate us to be better people and listen to us when we need to. What unites us to our friends is that we perceive the world in a similar way. 

Do you think you are a great friend and give the other person what they need? Do you have a great friend by your side? To answer these questions, let’s analyze the characteristics of the friendships that we would call “great friends”. 

A great friend listens without judgment

People tend to help others by sharing their feelings and opinions, often in excess. Sometimes we exaggerate with criticism.  The mismanaged ego leads us to judge negatively to our friends, family and colleagues.

A good friend knows that these malicious criticisms hurt the person seeking support and understanding. . They know that listening to the other is an act of generosity and, although they sometimes give advice, they do not expect to be the final influence in the life of whoever comes to them.

A true friend helps and supports without expecting anything in return. Remember that listening means understanding and understanding the whole context.

A great friend does not give much importance to discussions

Friends argue. Do not think for a moment that a great friend is one who is always happy with your attitudes. Nor is it the one who is going to congratulate you even if you have had a negative attitude.

Quite the opposite.  A good friend will give his honest opinion . If you think the other has done something wrong, you will say it up front and this will probably make you argue a bit.

Just remember not to make the mistake of judging a review constructive, an idea or an opinion different from yours as offensive.  Respectfully arguing is not fighting. It is a healthy behavior and, many times, necessary in our personal relationships.

Whether you are the one who is telling a loved one that they are wrong, or you are the one receiving the criticism, remember that it is not personal. As a friend, the least you can do is be as honest as possible.

Cares about the other

There are friends who fit the profile of socially intelligent people.

At some point in your life you have already asked yourself the following question: do my friends only show up when they need me? When you start to think this way about one of your friends, trust ends and the relationship is compromised.

Unfortunately,  you will meet people who are not your real friends and who will only be to party or to to get some of you. It is a reality that you will not necessarily like, but that you must understand. Fortunately, there is also the other side. That is, you will find another great friend who will always be there for you.

We refer to those friends who will always support you and will be happy to see you grow. You may not see them for several months or years, but the day they meet it will be as if there was never any distance.

Is always present

Neither personal differences, nor arguments,  nor time, nor distance separate a great friend. On the contrary, he works so that negative situations do not end the relationship. 

Did you have a very strong argument? He will try to find you and talk to you to solve everything. Did you go to study or work in another country? Don’t cut off all communication with your loved ones.

Friendship must be nurtured, it needs us to take care of it to stay strong. That is why it is necessary to be present and participate in the important moments in the life of the other.

Celebrate each victory of your friends without feeling envy or jealousy, suffer their defeats together with him and offer your shoulder in difficult moments. Sometimes, physical presence becomes impossible, however a great friend finds a way to be in the life of the other .

Trust the other

Friends giving each other a hug

Gossip and malicious comments from third parties can affect any friendship. The difference between a great friend and a temporary friend is that the former knows how to trust . He understands that there are malicious people who can misrepresent some ideas and he does not get carried away by such comments.

If you want to keep the link,  you must learn to hear to your friends. If you have a question, ask directly and bluntly.

Don’t brainstorm or fall for secrets, gossip, or negative comments. Also, don’t shy away from the first comment someone else makes.  Be open about what is going on in your life and try not to keep secrets from your friends.

Is faithful and sincere

A great friend is faithful in any circumstance, does not speak ill of you with other people and does not allow them to criticize you in front of him He defends you when he considers it necessary, but also gives you the space to solve your problems yourself.

He will also have no qualms about telling you that you are making a mistake and will explain each reason clearly.  Of course, it will let you make your own decisions and make mistakes. In that case, he will be there to keep you company and help you face your circumstances in the best way, without trying to solve your life.

So how many great friends do you have? You are a great friend? You are always in time to find, or be, a great friend.

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