The Best Natural Remedies For Kidney Failure

To treat kidney failure it is very important to include in our routine foods and remedies with diuretic properties that facilitate the work of the kidneys, as well as some techniques that help us to take care of them

Do you want to discover some great natural remedies for kidney failure? Kidney failure is a pathology that affects the kidneys, when these organs cannot filter toxic substances from the blood well.

Although the causes are not fully known, it is known that there is a relationship with the consumption of protein and cholesterol in the blood.

In this article we share the best natural remedies to treat kidney failure, with foods and medicinal plants and very effective natural techniques. 

Natural remedies for kidney failure

1. Onion broth


The classic onion broths are an excellent dish to treat kidney failure and any other disease that affects the kidneys.

Thanks to their diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties (according to this study carried out by Payame Noor University, in Iran) , they help us to alleviate most of the characteristic symptoms of these disorders.

For the onion broths to be curative, we must take them on an empty stomach and half an hour before meals. In addition, we will benefit from its high purifying power, thanks to which we can eliminate liquids and toxins from our body.

2. Medicinal infusions

Another of the great natural remedies for kidney failure are medicinal plants.

  • Bearberry: Bearberry has the virtue of stimulating kidney function, although it is recommended to take it under medical prescription. This study carried out by the pharmacy specialist Antonio Hernández Torres also assures that it is effective in treating urine infections.
  • Horsetail: it is very rich in minerals, especially silicon. It has the ability to increase the production and elimination of urine, in addition to cleaning the urinary tract, although according to this research carried out by the Federal University of Goias (Brazil), there is a lack of consistency in related studies.
  • Dandelion: dandelion is a very cleansing medicinal plant and acts on both the kidneys and the liver.
  • Mallow: mallow flowers improve pathologies that affect the kidneys and urinary tract. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Sfax (Tunisia).

3. Ginger poultice


Ginger is a very effective medicinal food for kidney failure and many other diseases. However, in this case we propose its topical use, to benefit from its high caloric, stimulating and, according to this study carried out by the Isfahan University of Iran, anti-inflammatory. 

How do we do it?

  • We will prepare a concentrated ginger infusion. We will put a dry towel on the back, in the area corresponding to the kidneys (between the dorsal and lumbar).
  • On top of the dry towel we will put another one that we will have dipped in the ginger infusion. We will cover the entire back with another dry towel and wait 5 minutes.

4. Cupping

The cupping or cupping  technique  is an ancient healing method to cause a local effect depending on the need of that part of the body. So far in Western medicine, cupping has not been shown to cure kidney failure. These can be used in conjunction with medical treatment to relieve localized pain, should the patient present it.

The suction cup would produce a vacuum that stimulates the natural healing of the disorder we suffer from. It is believed that it can bring immediate relief and also work as a long-term treatment.

  • In kidney failure, cupping is applied just above the kidney area. For this reason, we recommend that a professional perform the treatment.
  • We may have temporary round marks on our skin, similar to bruises. They will disappear in a few days.
  • There are no studies that clearly determine whether or not it really works, or why. This is stated in this study carried out by the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia.

5. Fight fear


Although there are many factors that affect the functioning of the kidneys, we do not usually take into account the role of negative emotions in our organs. In the case of the kidneys, what affects them the most from a psychological perspective is fear.

It is true that, at one time or another, we are all afraid. However, when we live it constantly and even without learning to channel or externalize it, this fear can generate unhealthy constant anxiety and stress.

Therefore, if we suspect that this may be influencing the health of our kidneys, we recommend going to a good mental health professional who knows how to help us live in a calmer and more relaxed way.

What do you think of these natural remedies for kidney failure? Have you tried them? Remember that kidney failure should always be preceded by the care of a doctor. Alternative medicine, in this case, corresponds to an adjuvant method.

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