3 Keys To Regain Desire In The Relationship

Sometimes there are many problems that two people have to deal with in a relationship. One of them is to recover the desire that once was, but that, for some time, seems to have disappeared.

Many couples complain that “we no longer do it as much as before”, “in the first years this did not happen”, “could it be that he has stopped wanting me?”, “I think he no longer likes me like before”.

All of these complaints have a trigger. The routine, the daily life, the responsibility or the children, which are becoming excuses for not making an effort to rekindle a desire that they believed would always be there even if they did not take care of themselves.

Tips to regain desire

Next we are going to share 3 essential keys that do not admit any pretext. These are steps that must be taken to regain the desire that has been lost.

1. Self-knowledge

Many people think they know themselves when, in fact, they don’t. This is proven when they are in a relationship and do not know how to regain desire.

What turns me on? What is it that makes me morbid? Which of my previous sexual relationships marked me? I want to try something new but am I embarrassed? All of these questions have to be answered honestly, as this will lead to the point we will talk about next.

If we do not know what we like, we will not be able to regain desire because we will not know where to start nor will we be able to communicate to our partner what can excite us.

Therefore, it is very important to take time to reflect, leaving aside fears, absurd beliefs and other thoughts that are damaging the relationship and preventing us from enjoying sexual relations with our partner.

2. Communicate with the couple

Communication in the couple

Once we know what it is that we like, it is time to talk about it with our partner openly. Openly, without shame and without limitation.

It seems incredible that we have the confidence to show ourselves naked and maintain relationships with someone with whom we later have an incredible shame to tell him what we like, where he can touch us or what he can do to put us in tune.

In a couple, trust occurs in all senses and this includes the sexual field. We cannot expect the other to read our minds because that is not going to happen.

It is time to stop guessing and speak clearly. To regain desire in a relationship we must be sincere. What do we like or what do we want to try? What do we not like and want to change?

3. Time to take action!

All of the above is very good to regain desire, but it is useless if we do not take action, which will give spark to the relationship again. This is the most fun because it is about getting out of the comfort zone and exploring other areas that make us vibrate again.

To regain desire, you need to take action.

Do you remember those nerves you felt at the beginning of the relationship? That sexual tension that invaded you sometimes? Well, all this can be recovered, as long as there is will on the part of both.

That unknown of not knowing what could happen in that meeting or dreaming about what can happen. All this will increase desire, will make us want our partner again, want to be with her in this way.

Break the routine and regain desire

The routine is a very comfortable zone and it will require a great effort and will to be able to get out of it. Many of these keys will cause us laziness or we will feel that it is useless to carry them out. Let’s not let it beat us.

It is normal for the sex drive to change over the years. Emotional and physical changes can sometimes make sexual desire go away.

Most couples go through this reduction or even lack of sexual appetite. If this is your case, do not hesitate to seek help from a sexologist or couples psychologist. It is time to regain desire in the relationship!

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