Diet To Maintain Lung Health

The lungs are a vital organ of many living things. For this reason, like other organs such as the heart and the brain, they are a relevant part of the body, so we must learn to maintain the health of the lungs.

However, the vast majority of people do not usually take them seriously and, for this reason, they are deeply neglected.

Whether or not we are tobacco users, we have an obligation to keep them in the best of conditions.

Why are the lungs important?

Mucus in the lungs.

The lungs are anatomical structures belonging to the respiratory system. They share a location with the heart in the rib cage, which gives us an idea of ​​how protected they are.

All thanks to the vertebrae (on the back), the sternum (on the front) and the ribs (on the sides).

These organs fulfill vital functions for the organism, and hence their importance. According to medical science the most important are:

  • Obtain oxygen and pass it into the blood through gas exchange so that it is distributed throughout the body. The gas exchange focuses on obtaining carbon dioxide from the blood to be expelled and on giving oxygen to the blood.
  • It acts as an external filter.
  • Metabolic reactions take place in the lungs .

Influencing factors in lung contamination

In the same way as other regions of the body the lungs are plagued with toxins, the lungs can also suffer from these types of problems.

For this reason and its importance , the health of the lungs must be maintained in an adequate way and help them detoxify.

But what influences your intoxication? Food plays a very relevant role. However, other factors also play an important role, such as some of the following:

  • Tobacco : both active and passive smokers.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Toxic substances : such as those in the environment or in food.
  • Smog City.

Diet to detoxify the lungs

maintain lung health

As we have mentioned before, diet is one of the most important factors in terms of the appearance and agglomeration of toxins.

Therefore, the diet must be modified in order to detoxify them. In addition, many foods have beneficial properties that help maintain the health of the lungs.

Based on this, below, we recommend a number of foods and eating habits that can be beneficial in helping to cleanse the lungs.

In the morning

First of all, it must be remembered that the morning, like the rest of the day, can be divided into different periods. In the case of feeding, it is recommended to follow the following indications:

Before breakfast

Ingesting large amounts of vitamin C through drinks ; Fasting shakes, juices and smoothies play a key role here.


  • The juice of 2 lemons.
  • 1 ½ glass of water (300 ml)

Preparation and consumption

  • Squeeze the lemons.
  • Mix with water and drink, always on an empty stomach.


Banana and coconut oil mask

This is the time of day when breakfast should be consumed.

With regard to the diet to maintain the health of the lungs, one of the most important minerals and the one in charge of purifying and regulating the body is potassium.

To include it in our diet, nothing better than preparing a delicious smoothie with banana and other fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.


  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup of plums (75 g)
  • ½ cup of strawberries (100 g)
  • 2 glasses of almond milk (400 ml)
  • ½ cup of chopped papaya (100 g)

Preparation and consumption

  • We will wash and chop all the ingredients to facilitate the blending.
  • We will put them in the blender glass and process until we obtain a homogeneous mixture free of lumps.
  • Consume immediately.

During lunch and dinner

At lunch and dinner time, foods rich in carotenoids should be included .

These compounds are essential to maintain the balance of the mucous membranes in the lungs and, in turn, promote the protection of the cells present in these organs.

Fruits and vegetables are recommended, especially those that contain the nutrient in question:

  • Orange.
  • Mango.
  • Melon.
  • Peach.


Maintaining the health of the lungs is essential for both smokers and non-smokers. They are a vital organ, so mistreating them and not taking care of them will only have negative consequences for our health.

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