Love Is A Precious Commodity That We All Seek

Love is a precious commodity that we all seek. But, we don’t always do it the right way. Learn to search for that precious commodity in a healthy way.

In the society in which we live, love is a precious commodity, that which we all seek. However, the divorce rate has increased  and emotional dependency is a problem for almost most couples.

Despite being a precious asset, sometimes we seek love without knowing ourselves well. Even without overcoming our own shortcomings and before learning from previous relationships that have not worked.

Today we will discover how to make this precious good become something healthy, something that we seek knowing who we are and what we want. Above all, we will treat love for what it is, and subtract beliefs that damage its image.

Also read: 4 common mistakes in our relationships

Love is the precious commodity that we use the most

Emotional dependence

Love is a precious commodity, but it is also the one that we use the most for our benefit. Sometimes we do it consciously. However, in others we do it unconsciously.

For example, a person with emotional dependence uses love to supply his own deficiencies. Her fear of being alone causes her to immerse herself in relationships where there is no love, even if she thinks so.

People who mistreat, assault or manipulate their partners also use love to avoid facing the insecurities that torment them.

In this way, they say things like “I hit you because I love you” or “if I control you it is because I love you and I care about you.”

Also read Recognize and avoid emotional manipulation in the partner

It is curious to observe how love is used to make many films have a happy ending, although sometimes it does not even come to mind. And what about advertising. They use love at every moment to be able to sell their products.

With all this, a question arises: Are we not damaging the image of what love truly is?

In search of a real love

Couple showing that they love each other

If love is a precious commodity, we should start shaking off the beliefs that we still carry about the idea of ​​romantic love. Only in this way can we discover love as it is.

A love that does not focus on controlling the other person, nor on scenes of jealousy, nor on me I give you my mobile phone password and you give me yours.

A love that focuses on building a life in common, based on freedom, where we walk together, but not tied.

Also read: Love as an emotional prison

If love is a precious commodity, let’s stop thinking about what they will say. Let us not pay attention to how they tell us that we have to behave with a partner. Let’s be free to have the relationship we want, without comparing ourselves with others.

Learn from past relationships

Past relationships are a great way to learn and not make the same mistakes. It is a way of moving away from the beliefs that separate us from real love to go directly towards it.

In our love relationships we sometimes repeat that pattern that we saw in our parents.  But, maybe it doesn’t work for us.

What about self-esteem? Do we have a good relationship with ourselves? To have a healthy relationship, it is necessary for us to be well without a partner. It is important that we do not need it to meet our needs or deficiencies. Nor should we be in a couple because those around us have a partner.

However, we have to be aware that we will have to make mistakes, as this is how human beings learn. However, we cannot stagnate. We have to move forward and not keep repeating patterns of relationships that are not good for us.

Also read 4 reasons why your relationship is in constant crisis

Have you not yet experienced that precious love, which we can consider “mature love”? Do you think that the love you have lived is full of beliefs or influenced by the relationships you have seen in your environment? If so, it is time to value yourself to find true love, that precious asset.

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