5 Common Medications In Pregnancy

Most pregnant women have doubts and concerns about the use of medications during the pregnancy process. It is best to avoid self-medication so that there is no risk of affecting the baby.

One of the most important experiences in a woman’s life is pregnancy. From the moment this being’s existence begins inside the womb, the body begins a natural process of changes. Both physical and psychological. The questions also begin, among them, what are the common medications in pregnancy that can be taken without affecting the baby.

Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, pain in the hips, and a host of other discomforts are common. The mother will begin to experience hormonal changes. All of this is relatively normal. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy.

However, it is possible that there is some complication, vaginal or kidney infections, or any other frequent disorder at this stage of pregnancy. That is when you should go to the use of medications. Ideally, this should always occur under medical supervision.

Common Pregnancy Medications You Can Take

Pregnant woman on the couch.

Many drugs are allowed in this gestation period. In addition to the symptoms of pregnancy, the mother may need medication to alleviate any discomfort due to contamination with external biological agents or others.

Although there are many over-the-counter medications in pharmacies to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea, constipation or nausea, the ideal is that before consuming them, you should consult your doctor. Some may not be recommended for the pregnant woman.

Avoid taking combination medications that offer to relieve more than one symptom at a time. For example, if you take a headache pain reliever, avoid combining it with antihistamines or decongestants. Next, we will name you the common medications in pregnancy that can be taken:

1. Paracetamol or acetaminophen

They fall into the category of pain relievers. Recommended to combat pain and inflammation. Both act against minor abnormalities. They even work if they have cold symptoms.

2. Clotrimazole or Miconazole

They work as antifungals. They are common medications in pregnancy, as they help fight vaginal yeast infections. It is also effective if there is vaginal burning and discharge.

3. Antacids with magnesium

The best-known commercial brands of antacids, which have magnesium in their composition, are effective and safe when it comes to calming annoying heartburn. This is one of the very common symptoms during pregnancy.

4. Loratadine or Chlorpheniramine

Any of these antihistamines are the most recommended when it comes to allergies. Both relieve nasal congestion when the expectant mother is faced with allergenic factors.

5. Milax or Senokot

These medications are effective in treating constipation. Another common symptom among pregnant women. Especially in the last months of pregnancy.

Vitamins cannot be missing

Pregnant woman eating grapes in bed.

Vitamins and food supplements are essential for the development of the baby.  Your doctor or midwife will indicate the most suitable for the conditions in which your pregnancy occurs.

The most common are: vitamin C, for the formation of the baby’s blood vessels; folic acid, for the production of red blood cells; vitamin D, to produce healthy teeth, tissues, and bones; and iron, to nurture the growth of the baby and the placenta.

However, although vitamins are available over the counter in pharmacies, avoid overdoing the amounts. Consumption in excess does not “benefit you more”, but you eliminate it through the urine. So you lose not only vitamins, but money as well. They can also consume them through a good diet.

Natural remedies: a good option

Mortar, essences and plants.

Apart from all the medications mentioned, there are also options in natural or home remedies. Sometimes the discomforts and symptoms that occur during pregnancy can be alleviated by changing habits. Even doing activities that are positive for health.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, you may not have to resort to overuse of drugs. Many of those tips that have been around since grandmother’s time work, in most cases. Dare to try them.

Of course, it is essential for every expectant mother to eat well, walk and exercise. Carrying a healthy pregnancy is essential to alleviate the symptoms that make us resort to medications. Also, having a routine for sleeping, relaxing, and resting is vital.

Always avoid self-medication

Most women are aware that taking medications lightly during pregnancy should be avoided. But if the woman suffers from any gestational disease or another of greater implications, they will tell her to take medications to keep her ailment under control. The main thing at this stage is to preserve the health of the mother and the baby.

However, self-medicating is not a good option, and especially during the first trimester, as it is a very sensitive period for the fetus. It is best to consult with your doctor before taking a medication, even those that are considered common medications in pregnancy In this way, you make sure not to cause alterations in the correct development of the fetus.

The directions must be followed to the letter. It is vital to remember that, although there are many discomforts that can appear in this period, your doctor or midwife will know that it is the most suitable for you and your baby.

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