7 Exercises For The Eyes That You Have To Do Daily

Due to the time we spend in front of computers and other electronic devices, it is very important to perform a series of exercises to preserve the health of the eyes. We tell you how to do them.

Being for a long time in front of the computer or in contact with other types of screens can be harmful to visual health and give rise to discomfort such as tearing, dry mucous membranes, burning, among others. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to do some exercises and thus rest your eyes.

We know that the use of some digital media is inevitable, since they are working tools that cannot be renounced. For this reason, we propose an exercise routine that can help alleviate these signs of fatigue.

Why do screens affect the eyes?

Avoid using electronic devices

First, it is important to mention that the eyes are designed to see far, at a distance of more than 6 meters. Instead, to see up close, the eye needs to make extra effort to focus on the object. This process is called accommodation, and doing it for a long time can cause asthenopia, that is, visual fatigue.

In relation to this, an article from the American Optometric Association points out that this condition occurs because the text on the screens is less defined, therefore, more difficult to focus than that of a printed page. Also, its level of sharpness is reduced by reflections from the screen. To this, it must be added that, when you have your eyes fixed on one point, the person tends to blink less, so the dryness intensifies, causing pain or stinging.

Exercises for the eyes that you have to do daily

The discomfort caused by prolonged exposure to screens, are usually alleviated by changing some habits and performing certain exercises to rest the vision. Next, we detail what they are.

1. Blink frequently

Increase eye movement

Blinking frequently is important when you are in front of your computer or mobile for a long time, as this makes the eyeball cool and hydrate. With this, you will avoid the annoying symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Therefore, pay special attention to this when you are with a desktop computer or with the smartphone .

2. Close your eyes

Close your eyes for 6 seconds and open them. Repeat 7-10 times to relax your eyes. This is a very simple but effective and healthy exercise to rest your eyes. You will feel greater well-being immediately, without having to leave your work table.

3. Do palming

This is one of the simplest eye exercises you can do on a daily basis. It is within the discipline of yoga and is very relaxing. What you should do is raise and lower your gaze slowly, without forcing it, 5 times. Next, put your palms in your eye sockets for 30 seconds, focus only on black and imagine this color getting darker and darker. After doing this activity, you will feel the tiredness in your eyes disappear.

4. Massaging the eyebrows


In this exercise for the eyes you should press lightly between the eyebrows, with the thumb, applying the force from the inside to the outside of the eyebrows. With this, you will be able to relieve the tension in the area and rest your vision.

5. Change the look

In this exercise, you should focus your gaze on different points. Look left first, then right, about five times. Then circle your eyes for about 30 seconds.

When practicing this activity, it is best not to focus your vision on any specific point, since the objective is to look from a distance, without having any reference point. This will help counteract screen exposure time.

6. Vary the focus 

It’s about making a transition between different points of view. To do this, you have to find two centers to focus on, one near and one far away. Then take the course from the closest point to the furthest and repeat until you feel comfortable.

7. Wash with cold water

The benefits of cold water are numerous and, in this case, it will have a double effect: On the one hand, it will alleviate the heat from the radiation from the screens and, on the other, it will promote blood flow to unblock this area of ​​the body.

The resulting effect is usually surprising because, in addition to eliminating discomfort from the eyes, it decongests and clears the head. Thus, if you do it right after your workday, you will feel renewed and ready to enjoy the rest of the day.

As you can see, these exercises for the eyes are easy to carry out. However, remember that if the discomfort persists after performing them daily, it is necessary to consult with the doctor to find the cause and the appropriate treatment.

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