Insistent Itching In The Fingers. For What Is This?

Our hands are undoubtedly a fundamental part of our body. As reflexology specialists well know, the hands are nerve endings par excellence.

They connect us with our entire body, and thus also with the outside world. In situations they are victims of a persistent itch in the fingers, and it can be for the following reasons.

Generally this, which is usually so annoying, can be treated at home .  However, it is important that the treatment is based on what causes the itch.

Be it a dermatitis, eczema or some type of food or drug allergy, therefore it is convenient to have a medical diagnosis.


Insistent itching of the fingers

Eczema causes inflammation, pain and itching and is one of the main causes of itchy fingers.

Some research reveals that it could have a genetic component, although some allergies or even changes in temperature, humidity, and stress levels could also be relevant.  To control eczema you should visit the doctor.


Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin and the most common cause of itchy fingers.  It can have its origin in contact with a chemical agent such as cleaning products or a poisonous plant such as poison ivy, for example.

Anyway, people who suffer from dermatitis tend to have drier skin than the rest, so they should take measures such as using neutral soaps and trying to keep the skin well hydrated. Generally, it is enough to place an element that calms the discomfort such as aloe vera or aloe vera.


Allergic reactions to food or drugs often lead to persistent itching of the fingers and visible symptoms on the face , much like the sting of an insect such as a bee, which can cause similar symptoms.

In these cases, the simple action of taking an antihistamine or using a soothing cream will be enough to calm the itch. However, it is always important to consult a doctor since sometimes the face may swell or there is difficulty in breathing.

A food allergy is an exaggerated response of the immune system to the consumption of a particular food.  Here it should be emphasized that the only proven treatment for a food allergy is to avoid the food.

Other reasons for persistent itching of the fingers

Diabetes is another cause of itchy fingers.  Due to this disease there can be cases of poor circulation in the blood, which can cause itching, accompanied by a noticeable tickling of the hand.

It is important to have a blood test for persistent itching of the fingers to determine whether or not you have diabetes. In the case of diabetics, greater control must be had, since as a consequence of this pathology, the body’s ability to heal wounds decreases and the risk of infections increases.

Dry skin

Finally, a very common cause that is not taken into account, dry skin.  Normally it is produced by some climatic conditions or by changing environmental states, such as being in a cool place and going outside in a hot environment.

But it is an easy solution:  avoiding the suddenness of these changes and using moisturizers with a large oil base that maintain the hydration of the skin.

One final tip

Remember to always take care of your hands. Try to maintain good hygiene and hydrate them often, as they are a very exposed part of our body. They are undoubtedly one of the most precious tools we have to connect with the environment and we must take care of them as they deserve.

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