Petit Chocolate Fours

Are you looking for an elegant and delicious idea for your desserts or to entertain your guests? So, you can’t stop preparing these little chocolates au chocolait. Know the recipe for petit fours Chocolate ! You sure love it.

Chocolate petit fours recipe

Delicate, sweet, sophisticated … they can be eaten in one bite and will leave you with a wonderful sensation in your mouth. They are really very rich, perfect to offer at a snack or on a special occasion. Do you dare to prepare chocolate petit fours ?

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 4 yolks
  • 100g sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of hot water (60 ml)
  • 60 g of flour
  • 60 g of cornstarch (starch)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 clear
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (15 g)

Ingredients for the stuffing:

  • 250 g of strawberry jam
  • Almond paste (marzipan) to taste
  • 125 g of almonds
  • 125 g icing sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 drops of almond essence

Chocolate for petit fours

Ingredients for the dark chocolate bath

  • 100 g of semisweet chocolate coverage
  • 100 cc of cream

Ingredients for the white chocolate bath:

  • 100 g white chocolate
  • 100 cc of cream


You don’t need special utensils.  You will need electric rods, containers, a sieve, a spatula. You should also have a 26 cm side baking tray, a cloth, a spoon, a knife and saucepans on hand.

Preparation of the dough:

Chocolate Petit Fours

  1. Beat the yolks and sugar with the hot water until you get a foamy and creamy mixture.
  2. Sift the flour, salt, and cornstarch. Besides, beat the whites with the sugar until they are firm. Add half of the meringue to the yolks and mix so that everything is well incorporated.
  3. Add the dry ingredients (cornstarch, flour, salt, sugar) and stir in an enveloping way. Add the remaining half of the meringue as slowly as possible and without stopping beating.
  4. Grease a mold and line with parchment paper. Turn the oven to 200 ° C. Pour the preparation and cook for about 10 minutes until golden.
  5. Once that time has passed, remove and let it cool a bit before unmolding. Cover with a cloth. Reservation.

Preparation of the filling

  1. P rocesa almonds until they are you take a powder. Add the essence of almonds.
  2. Mix with the icing sugar and the egg white. It should be the ideal consistency to work with your hands.
  3. Cut the cake, which should already be cold, into 3 strips of the same width. Divide the filling into 2 parts. Take one of them and stretch it so that it looks the same as the cake.
  4. Spread with strawberry jam and “stick” the marzipan. Put the second biscuit strip on top and repeat the procedure with the jam and the remaining marzipan.
  5. Place the last strip of sponge cake. Press with your fingers so that everything is well integrated. Cut into cubes about 3 cm on a side.

Preparation of the chocolate ganache

Chocolate dough

  1. The procedure is the same for black and white, but separately.
  2. Heat the cream until it comes to a boil and pour over the chopped chocolate in a thermal container.
  3. Mix well so that it melts. Let it cool down so that its consistency is not so runny.
  4. Pour over half of the sponge cake and marzipan cubes. The rest you cover with the melted white chocolate.

Arrange all on a tray, alternating black and white colors so that it is better in the presentation. Refrigerate at least 2 hours until they reach the right consistency.

Data of interest

Preparing these chocolate petit fours has an intermediate level of difficulty. It will take about an hour to prepare them, to which you should add two hours in the fridge.

As a tip, instead of processing the almonds, you can buy the almond flour directly. And, if you can’t find almond essence, feel free to use vanilla extract.

Once you have removed them from the fridge, you can finish decorating the petit fours with strands of black and white chocolate (which contrast with the topping). Other options are chopped walnuts or almonds, strawberries, cherries, grated coconut … the options are endless.

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