How To Detoxify Your Body With Foot Pads

Body detox techniques are becoming more and more popular as the need to cleanse the body to improve health has emerged. An example are small therapeutic pads that, due to their properties, are becoming very popular.

Discover in this article what this method consists of to eliminate toxins from your body and improve general health. Keep reading!

We need to detox

To begin with, we can say that we live very intoxicated. Constant exposure to environmental toxins, sedentary lifestyles, and other bad habits have considerably increased the risk of many diseases.

The body’s excretory organs have a hard time getting rid of waste. Therefore, these travel through the bloodstream to each of the cells and tissues of the body, causing negative reactions.

Lower extremity inflammation and circulation problems are some of the signs that the body needs to detox. But to combat all this we can resort to foot pads.

Why detox your body with foot pads?

We can detoxify the body with the foot pads

The cushions or pads for the feet are a traditional element in the medicine of Japan and other countries of the East. With an effect similar to that of acupuncture, this type of alternative to detoxify the body has a positive effect on people’s energy systems, improving many of the functions of their body.

According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt of the American Academy of Neural Therapy , the main physiological effect of this method of detoxification through the feet is the stimulation of the liver and kidneys. This allows to increase the metabolic rate so that the cells of both organs purify the blood and the body.

The method is based on reflexology. This ancient art of healing uses the reflex points on the bottom of the feet to activate the functions of the body’s systems. Once these reflex zones are stimulated, the energy is channeled and relief is obtained from the corresponding organs.

Why are pads placed on the feet?

Oriental medicine suggests that the feet are a “second heart” as they help pump blood and lymph back to the torso. This pumping activity is often slowed down by lack of physical activity, leading to pools of blood around the feet, ankles, and calves.

In fact, just sitting for a long time makes circulation difficult by up to 50%. Therefore, what is sought with this detoxification method is to give a “boost” to the blood flow to avoid the development of more serious conditions.

How do foot pads work?

Nice feet

The foot pads are listed as a therapeutic medical device, and they work like a poultice. They are distributed in various forms in Japan and many other places, but they can also be made at home.


  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic (3 garlic cloves)
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped onion (10 g)
  • ΒΌ cup of apple cider vinegar (62 g)
  • 1 pair of socks
  • Self-adhesive gauze
  • 1 small pot


Natural apple cider vinegar conditioner

  • First, add the quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to a saucepan, and put it over medium heat.
  • Then crush the garlic and onion and add them to the vinegar.
  • Then leave it for about 10 minutes on low heat.
  • After the recommended time, remove it from the heat and let it cool for 20 or 30 minutes.
  • Next, pour the solution into gauze pads until they are saturated, but not dripping.
  • Wipe excess liquid from the pads, always avoiding wetting the adhesive.
  • Next, place the pads on the bottoms of your feet and put on socks to keep them in place while you sleep.
  • The next morning, remove the gauze and discard it.
  • You will notice that they turned dark brown.
  • For the detoxification process to be complete and effective, you will need to use the compresses for two weeks in a row.


  • You must bear in mind that, in addition to using this remedy, you will have to make modifications in your lifestyle, including eating habits and exercise.
  • After the two weeks you can rest and repeat it the next month or in two months.
  • The idea is to do it on a regular basis to ensure that your body is free of toxins.

What will you notice?

Its constant practice will also help you alleviate inflammatory and circulation disorders, such as:

  • Varicose veins.
  • Fluid retention
  • The drop.
  • Joint pain.
  • Inflammation in the feet.

Go ahead and make it at home with this simple natural formula and see for yourself all the positive changes it makes in your body. Go ahead!

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