What Ingredients Should A Good Sunscreen Include?

If you are already preparing for the holiday season and you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, it is time to think about choosing a good sunscreen. So you can enjoy the heat without worries.

In addition to protecting your skin from temporary and permanent damage from sun exposure, sunscreens must meet certain characteristics. For example, many people take into account the time it takes for the skin to absorb the product, its fragrance, etc.

However, there are particular details of the ingredients used to create a good sunscreen that you should also check out. For example, avoid ingredients that can be toxic to your skin and choose those that include additional benefits in addition to sun protection.

Guidelines for choosing a good sunscreen

There are several guidelines for choosing a good sunscreen.

There are many factors that you must take into account when choosing a good sunscreen. First of all, you should check its sun protection factor (SPF). Experts recommend that this be 30 to 50 FPS.

It is also important that your sunscreen indicates that it is “broad spectrum”, in addition to the sun protection factor. What does this mean?

  • You ensure protection from UVA rays, which cause premature skin damage, aging and cancer.
  • It protects you from UVB, which are responsible for burns.

You should also take into account the amount of time it will protect you and its resistance to water and sweat. This way you can control when you should reapply the product.

If you have already taken these main details into account, now you can verify the ingredients contained in the product you are going to use. Remember to avoid those that can be toxic in the short and long term.

The US organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) annually conducts research in which it approves products made with the least environmental impact. It also ensures that they are ideal for human use.

Ingredients of a good sunscreen

Generally, a sunscreen contains ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which due to their properties act as a barrier against the sun’s rays.

Besides these, other ingredients can be:

  • Oxybenzone.
  • Dioxybenzone.
  • Sulisobenzone.
  • Methyl anthranilate.
  • Retinol Palmitate.

However, environmental organizations such as the EWG have drawn attention to the use of certain ingredients that may not be safe for the skin. They refer especially to oxybenzone and retinol palmitate.

If you are concerned about the use of potentially toxic ingredients for your skin, avoid sunscreens that contain them.

In addition to this, the ideal sunscreen should contain natural plant oils and have no artificial fragrances. In this way, you will avoid the possibility of suffering allergies due to its use.

It is also recommended to use these products in their cream or lotion presentation. Sprays, in addition to not being as effective in their application form, are not very friendly to the environment.

The ideal ingredients

Ideal ingredients of a good sunscreen

A good sunscreen, in addition to complying with the advice we mentioned before, can also be organic. It should be skin-friendly, moisturizing, and made for the most part with natural ingredients.

Look for a sunscreen that has natural minerals, vitamin C, and antioxidants. You can also choose those that have aloe vera, carrot, green tea and sunflower oil in their composition.

Use sunscreen to take care of your skin

Using a sunscreen with these ingredients will allow you to keep your skin hydrated during the summer.

Remember to wear a hat, cool clothes that cover your arms and legs, and stay in direct sunlight for a short time. This will help you get a nice tan, without compromising your health.

Avoid exposing yourself to the sun during 12 noon and 4 in the afternoon, as it is the period in which they affect your skin directly. If you have a fair complexion, you should double the care compared to a person with darker skin.

If you have any doubts when choosing your sunscreen, consult your doctor or your trusted pharmacist.

Finally, take into account the comments of Deborah GarcĂ­a Bello, chemist and science communicator:

And he adds that, when in doubt, the best thing to do would be to consult a dermatologist or pharmacist.

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