And The Day Will Come When You Will Discover That It Was Worth The Wait

Waiting is a dimension that not everyone knows how to manage effectively. This is mainly because we spend our time procrastinating. Waiting for this and that to happen, while life itself, almost without realizing it, slips out of hand.

Now, despite the fact that many tell us that our dreams start when we stop waiting and start action, sometimes, even fighting every day and turning on the engines of our efforts at all times, what happens does not happen. we wish.

What has to be will be, in its day and in its time. No one can, for example, force their true love to show up when they want to.

Nor is it in our hands to get a good job overnight, find a great friend, or have the best experience of our life. We must be architects of our reality, but also good managers of patience. We invite you to reflect on it.

Don’t get tired of waiting: what is worth it requires patience

A pregnancy and its nine months. A relationship that progresses little by little, discovering us, until, in the end, love arises. A cake and its correct ingredients, with just the right amounts and the right cooking time.

Everything requires time, care, interest and, above all, knowing how to wait. Hurry is never good counselor. What rushes and gets ahead always has a high probability of not going out as we imagined.

Now … How can we be patient if life has brought us more disappointments than joys up to now?

This is where the main problem lies: if there is no trust and enthusiasm, the expectations are not experienced in the same way. Because the person simply stops believing that good things really happen. However, they end up happening. Let’s think about these dimensions for a moment.

When bad things happen to good people

How can I hope for the best when such unpleasant things have happened to me? We all think so. Sometimes, the penalty comes to those who least deserve it, to people of noble heart who, without knowing how, must face adversity.

It is during these vital moments when confidence and expectations are lost that our dreams can be fulfilled, or even that we regain part of the happiness we felt before.

Now, when you find yourself in these complex situations, instead of asking yourself a “why me”, replace this phrase with “what can I do about this?”

  • My partner has left me ⇒ What can I do about this? ⇒  Learn to live, fight, strive to be happy again.
  • I have been diagnosed with a disease ⇒  What can I do about this? ⇒ Fight every day for me and mine. After this fight and this wait, I will achieve my triumph, regain my health.
  • I have lost my job ⇒  What can I do about this? ⇒  Reinvent myself, start another path, don’t give up. Sooner or later I will achieve what I hope for.


    The art of expecting good things

    There are those who have simply stopped expecting not only good things, but any change. Sometimes we fall into a certain immobility, a certain laxity of mind and spirit where we allow ourselves to be carried away by what has to come. Whatever it is.

    • It is not the right thing to do. Who waits, who waits, is not immobile, and even less likes to fill his mind with darkness, negativity or a “that will not happen to me” or “my train has already passed.”
    • We must wait for life with our best dress, with desire and fighting every day. Despite the fact that there are coincidences and that luck can visit us when we least expect it, the famous “law of attraction” is not always fulfilled.
    • Not for much wanting something will the stars and destiny combine to shape our wishes. It’s just about practicing the healthy art of waiting with your eyes open, your heart on fire, and your hands busy to transform your reality.

    Trust your intuition

    This aspect is undoubtedly essential. It is just as important to know how to wait as to know what that opportunity we were waiting for and that gives the final answer to our wait is.

    • It is essential to be receptive to know when it is time to take the step, “that special leap” with which to achieve our goal, our particular desire.
    • Imagine that you have before you the person of your life, that partner with whom you have fallen in love but with whom you do not risk. You may have suffered many failures before, and all those hurts make you not trust your intuition.

    Sooner or later you will regret it.

    woman-with-tiny-man-in-hand thinking of waiting

    Fear is always the main barrier to our happiness. Therefore, the art of knowing how to wait is also the ability to allow ourselves to free ourselves, little by little, of our own fears. It’s worth a try. Take the leap after that long wait.

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