Are There Natural Remedies For Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver and we can address it with natural remedies along with medical recommendations. Some foods are liver protectors and we will discuss them here.

There are home remedies to combat the hepatitis disease. However, it is important to know that medical consultation is essential, as well as following the treatment indicated by the professional to treat this condition.

In the same way, it is also positive to know the different variants of this pathology. Discover in this article more information about this pathology and natural solutions to help treat it. Keep reading!

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by a virus. Other possible causes are prolonged alcohol consumption, exposure to toxic chemicals, or overdose of some medications.

There are three types of hepatitis: A, B and C. All three have similar symptoms, which in principle are similar to those of the flu.

These symptoms are: fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal and joint pain and jaundice, the most characteristic. Jaundice is when the skin or eyes turn yellow.

Types of hepatitis

Type A hepatitis can be eradicated , but type B and type C are very difficult to cure. Then, they could transform into chronic hepatitis.

Type A hepatitis is the viral type and is usually very acute, but can be cured within a few weeks. The types B and C can last a lifetime and what is achieved is to eliminate the symptoms, but the disease continues in the body.

Natural medicine

Remember that the following options may be alternatives to complement medical treatment, but cannot replace it in any way. Consult with your doctor before using them to avoid possible side effects.


Artichoke to treat hepatitis

The artichoke increases the efficiency of liver function and promotes biliary function, according to studies. This happens because it helps the digestion of fats, despite the fact that, as stated in the aforementioned research, it is not effective for patients with hepatitis C.

It can be obtained in extract or make an infusion. With artichoke extract, follow the producer’s instructions. The infusion is made with 2 tablespoons of dried leaves for each liter of boiling water. It can be taken up to 3 times a day, before meals.


According to research, beets promote the regeneration of liver cells . It is recommended to combine it with other fruits or vegetables.

It is popularly said that the best mix for the liver is with lemon juice (not proven by science). To prepare it, the juice of two lemons are mixed in a blender with a peeled and chopped beet and it is taken immediately.

Burdock and dandelion

These herbs should be taken in combination. They cleanse the liver and blood, so they can be effective in treating hepatitis .

The infusion with dandelion works as a liver tonic, as it is high in potassium, stimulates the digestive system and increases the production of bile. The infusion of burdock root is diuretic, antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory action.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle for hepatitis

The extract of milk thistle obtained from the seeds, called silymarin, is consumed. This compound can be beneficial for hepatitis and other liver diseases.

It is available in an alcohol-free extract or in capsules. In theory, 200-400 mg should be consumed per day, but this should be discussed with your doctor. A Yuda healing and reconstruction of the liver .


Privet is a restorative and anti-inflammatory agent that has been proven beneficial in treating hepatitis C. The berries, which are bitter sweet in taste, are consumed. However, it should not be consumed if you have diarrhea.

They can be purchased in capsules and consumed in doses of 5-15 grams per day or as an infusion. It is prepared with 1 teaspoon, or a half, of crushed berries for each cup of boiling water.


Turmeric for hepatitis

Turmeric a very widespread spice in India. It is also one of the main ingredients of the well-known curry. The root is used and its active ingredient, curcumin, can also be taken.

It is highly recommended to add it to season meals or you can consume the powder directly. You can also make an infusion with 4 teaspoons per liter of hot water.

It is drunk cold, up to 4 cups a day. Detoxifies the liver, improves its functioning and increases the production of bile acids.

Olive leaf

Olive leaf infusion is a very powerful antifungal agent . In addition, it has numerous health properties, so we can take it often.

It is recommended to do it with 40 grams of crushed fresh leaves per liter of boiling water. You can take up to three cups a day.


It is better known as Chanca Piedra or Bankruptcy Stone. It is recommended to combat hepatitis B . It helps to treat the symptoms of the disease, although it is still a carrier. It is an herb and must be prepared as an infusion.

These home remedies to fight hepatitis are easy to do. However, remember that you must follow your doctor’s instructions at all times. It is important that you do not terminate any treatment if the doctor has not authorized it.

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