Bach Flowers To Overcome Past Traumas?

This alternative homeopathic treatment that is used with the intention of alleviating symptoms of altered emotional states. Although its use is considered safe, it is best to treat these problems with the corresponding psychologist or psychiatrist.

There are things that happen to us in life that we cannot cope with because they are too emotionally strong for us, because they are sudden, because they are very painful, because they are unexpected changes, etc. These issues can affect us emotionally and physically, especially if we cannot overcome them.

In this article we will talk about the therapy known as Bach Flowers, its use and supposed beneficial effects.

For what type of trauma are Bach Flowers used?

Bach Flowers are non-pharmacological artisan preparations, made from a flower decoction. They fall within alternative medicine and it is believed that they can help a person overcome painful situations such as:

  • Duels
  • Accidents
  • Separations
  • Diseases
  • Troubled childhoods
  • Emotional shocks

As a recommendation, we should not leave out cognitive treatment, typical of psychotherapies, but in such a case they could be used as a complement to medical treatment.

Bach Flowers could be used to help relieve emotions gradually, without sudden changes. In this way, we will feel more calm.

What are Bach Flowers?

Bach Flowers are 38 flower essences discovered by the English doctor Edward Bach in the first third of the 20th century. According to Bach, these essences would help us to fight progressively and naturally the emotional imbalances that we suffer.

Some of the flowers used can be toxic if the flower or other parts of the plant are consumed. However, because it is consumed extremely diluted, its use is considered safe in terms of toxicity.

Regarding its effectiveness, there are not many studies capable of showing that the treatment with Bach flowers has a positive effect other than placebo.

Those who defend its use assure that they have the following advantages, although we recommend that you always consult your doctor about its consumption.

  • They can take the time it takes, without rest
  • They do not generate dependency
  • When they have had their effect, they can be stopped without risk.
  • They can be taken by several family members at the same time
  • They do not have any side effects
  • They have no contraindication
  • They are easy to take

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What flowers should we take?

As we have said there are 38 Bach Flowers, but a mixture of the following essences with their supposed benefits are also usually used:

  • Impatiens : brings serenity, minimizes anxiety and cravings in general.
  • Rock Rose: helps us deal with situations that cause us panic, even if we don’t show it. Sometimes we somatize it in the form of nightmares or anxiety attacks.
  • Clematis : as the expression says, it puts us on the ground. It does not move away from negative isolation, from reverie, from abstraction.
  • Cherry Plum : helps us to take control of situations, of ourselves, and reduces the fear we have when we are in a difficult moment of losing control over ourselves.
  • Star of Behetlem: it is the flower for traumas, blockages, everything that becomes entrenched and does not allow the positive to flow.
  • Walnut : helps us adapt to change and accept new situations. It also protects us from negative external influences.
  • Sweet Chestnut: fight the anguish and despair, in those moments when we feel that we can not bear a situation anymore.
  • Honeysucke : this flower helps us to break with the past and look to the present and the future. It is essential for this treatment.

It is a placebo effect that could present some improvement in some people, but, as we have already mentioned, there is no scientific evidence to corroborate its positive effect on these traumas.

How do we take them?

Once we have the floral preparation with the essences adapted to our case, the treatment will consist of taking 4 drops under the tongue 4 times a day. We can also mix them with a little water or juice.

They could be taken for 3 months and observing possible changes. If necessary, we can extend the treatment for as long as necessary, without any risk to health. The essences will never make us dependent.

Taking into account that there are a total of 38 essences, we recommend consulting with a specialist therapist so that he can give us a treatment with our personalized flowers.

Where do we get them?

Today Bach Flowers are already well known and are increasingly being marketed in more places. We will easily find them in the following:

  • Pharmacies and parapharmacies
  • Herbalists and dietetics
  • Health stores

Final comments

In conclusion, Bach Flowers are a homeopathic alternative treatment that is used with the intention of alleviating certain symptoms of altered emotional states.

Although its use is considered safe, it is best to treat these problems with the corresponding psychologist, doctor or psychiatrist. Finally, always make sure you receive a scientific treatment with all the guarantees.

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