Benefits Of Different Types Of Hugs

More and more doctors and psychologists tell us about the therapeutic power of hugs. It is not only about a physical contact between two or more people, but giving a hug is also positive for our mind. Do you want to know the benefits of hugging for our physical and mental health? Find out in the following article.

From the day we are born until the last day we are on this earth, we need physical contact. A hug can give us security, tranquility, protection, love and contributes a lot to our general well-being.

Some of the health benefits of hugs

Hugs are capable of transmitting social support to cushion stress

This is confirmed by a research published in 2014 by the journal Psychological Science . According to this study, hugging could have a stress-absorbing effect. Also, in this research, the participants were exposed to a virus. In the results, it was observed that those people who were infected by the virus and obtained greater social support and more frequent hugs also presented less severe signs of the disease caused by the virus.

Physical contact with your partner is related to less cardiovascular reactivity

According to research published in 2003 by the journal Behavioral Medicine , physical contact in a partner can contribute to less reactivity to stressful life events. In addition, they can also have a role in cardiovascular health.

The hug, a special way of loving

If everyone embraced the people they love more, the world would possibly be different and more peaceful. Giving or receiving a hug is something simple, which can be done every day between loved ones. However, not everyone has access to this benefit. We do not usually give it the importance it deserves, but it is one of the ways we have to tell others how much we love them, we care about them and we are attentive to their needs.

There are many ways to express feelings, but the hug is the most complete of all. It helps us in all aspects, including health and healing.

Taking into account that the hug is one of the purest ways we have to express our affection, it is not strange to think that it has health benefits.

Types of hugs

When we think of a hug we immediately imagine couples in love. But there are also other types of hugs: parents, children, friends and even strangers:

Bear Hugs”

In this case, a taller person wraps his arms around a shorter person. But it doesn’t always have to be this way when it comes to heights. The one who gives the hug bends over the other and the one who receives that hug rests his head on the shoulder or the chest of the other, in addition to encircling the waist with his arms.

This type of hug is typical between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren and also in the couple. You can transmit messages such as “count on me”, “I support you”, “I share your sadness” or “I am here”.


Show tenderness and kindness. It is typical among friends or family members of the second order (that is, those who are not direct). It can be given standing, sitting or one person standing and the other sitting. It does not require full physical contact. They press the cheeks together and is ideal for a moment of happiness.

Hug from “A”

People stand face to face and put their arms around each other’s shoulders. Each rests his head on the other’s shoulder and the body leans forward slightly, although there is no contact below the shoulders. This hug is more formal or appropriate for recent relationships, also in relatives who have not seen each other for a long time.

Hug “sandwich”

It occurs between three people, one being in the middle of the other two. Those who act as bread can hug each other at the waist or shoulders, giving security and support to the one in the middle (the cheese). It is a typical family hug. The parents are on the sides and the children are inside. This hug also occurs between a group of friends or when a couple wishes to comfort a third party.

Impetuous embrace

It is brief and is characterized by a “hugger” who throws his arms around the other’s body. The embraced receives it with a pleasant sensation. Another way to give this hug is when two people run to meet and clasp passionately (as in typical scenes in romantic movies). It is a short hug and is used for example to express affection or good luck.

Group hug

It is for the closest friends or families. They have to share a project or a common interest. They all stand in a circle and wrap around their waists and shoulders. One of the variables is that there is one person in the center and everyone else is hugging each other. It is synonymous with support, affection and security, as well as solidarity and unity.

Side hugs

It is the typical hug for two people who walk together, such as couples. They are taken either from the waist or from the shoulders. It is playful and cheerful, perfect for walks, waiting in line at the cinema or to take the bus.


It is the one that, for example, the husband gives to his partner when he is in the kitchen preparing dinner. The man wraps his arms around the woman’s waist and then approaches her with some pressure. You want to show affection, appreciation, and happiness.

From the heart

It is considered the “highest” hug. It begins with two people face to face, standing. The shoulders surround the back and shoulders, the heads are brought together and more physical contact is established. It is a very tender hug, it can express pure and unconditional love, devotion, surrender. It is sublime, long and genuine.

Hug “made to measure”

It makes us feel wonderful, more than anything because of the person who gives it, not because of the way they hug us. Many factors go into this type of hug, from the environment to the moment, through the sensation and the effect it causes.

In short, hugging, especially our loved ones, can have different benefits for our health. So it can be a good practice between us. What are you waiting for to hug the people you love the most?

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