Benefits Of Drinking Water With Vinegar And Bicarbonate Before Meals

Vinegar and baking soda are products that have multiple uses and benefits for health, beauty and in our home.

With vinegar and bicarbonate we have the solution to many problems of our day to day.

Discover in this article what are all the benefits of drinking water with apple cider vinegar and baking soda before each meal!

Natural and inexpensive remedies

Natural medicine offers us many options to prevent health problems and treat different disorders without suffering side effects or without having to take medications.

However, some of these remedies are not accessible to everyone, either because they are difficult to find or because of their high price.

For this reason we like to propose natural remedies that are available to everyone, such as, for example, this combination of apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

When we know everything we can achieve with this simple remedy, we will want to start taking it today.

However, remember that, in the face of any health problem, it is appropriate and advisable to go to your trusted doctor.

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Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is not just a food to dress salads and other dishes. It is also a medicinal remedy with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as reflected in this study carried out by Middlesex University (United Kingdom).

To take full advantage of this healing power of apple cider vinegar, we must make sure that it is a raw vinegar that is not pasteurized, since during this process most of its medicinal properties and its nutritional values ​​are lost.

It must therefore be a vinegar that has undergone a natural fermentation process and has a cloudy appearance.

Apple cider vinegar has been, for decades, a beauty and health remedy, and also a household cleaning product (according to this study carried out by the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of Caracas, Venezuela).

Baking soda

sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is a common remedy for relieving heartburn. However, we must be careful, since this study carried out by the University of California (United States) assures that it could be harmful to the heart. It is recommended that we consult a specialist before ingesting it.

By combining vinegar and bicarbonate, we  manage to regulate the acidity of the first with the alkalinity of the second. In this way we add the benefits of both remedies to multiply their therapeutic virtues.

Vinegar and baking soda remedy

Health properties

water consumption

The consumption of water with apple cider vinegar and sodium bicarbonate provides us with the following health benefits:

  • Prevent and treat oral disorders that affect teeth, enamel and gums (although it is also abrasive, so you have to be careful). This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Buffalo (New York).
  • Eliminate bacteria.
  • Promote the digestive process and combat gastric acidity.
  • Improve cholesterol analysis imbalances, as suggested by this research conducted by Ahvaz Jundishapour University (Iran).
  • Reduce the risk of high blood pressure, according to this study conducted by Arizona State University (United States).

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    • 6 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar (60 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon of safe sodium bicarbonate (5 g)
    • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)

    If we cannot find raw apple cider vinegar or it does not suit us, we can substitute it with lemon juice squeezed in the same amount, to achieve a balanced pH.

    The amount of water is the minimum we need, since we can increase it according to our needs.

    What should you do?


    • We will mix the ingredients with the warm water until the bicarbonate dissolves.
    • We will distribute this preparation in three doses.
    • We can take it cold, warm or hot.

    How do we take it?

    • We will consume a glass just when we get up, before brushing our teeth, at least half an hour before breakfast.

    This is the most important intake of the day, since the fasting body is very receptive to any natural remedy and we are able to multiply the benefits of night fasting.

    • We will take the second drink (another glass) half an hour before lunch.
    • We will drink the last glass half an hour before dinner.

    We can take it seasonally every day, or just take the remedy on an empty stomach. We will notice the benefits from the first intake.

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