Benefits Of Including Olive Oil In The Diet

There are many health benefits of olive oil. Between 60 and 80% of its composition is oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fatty acid; worth saying, extremely healthy. But there is more. Olive oil provides a large number of antioxidants that promote the functions of the cardiovascular system.

It is one of the star ingredients of the Mediterranean diet, famous for how healthy it is. Including olive oil in the daily diet is a guarantee of benefiting from its many benefits. Let’s see what they are.

Nutritional value of olive oil

Just one tablespoon of good quality extra virgin olive oil daily  prevents cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Provides vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. The aforementioned amount provides 8% of the recommended daily value for this vitamin. Plus, it provides  60 calories per teaspoon and no cholesterol.

The polyphenols it contains are antioxidants that protect the heart. They reduce the potential damage that free radicals represent to health. Also, the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. As if that were not enough, polyphenols act as anti-inflammatories. Each teaspoon provides about 7 grams of fat, of which 1 gram is saturated fat; the rest, monounsaturated.

Salad with olive oil

Benefits of extra virgin olive oil

1. Lowers blood pressure

According to a study carried out by Carretto, V., Crenden, P., Dirienzo, G., and di Vito, V., the relationship between dietary fat and blood pressure does not have a definitive answer. However, it suggests that the multiple components of the Mediterranean diet have favorable effects on blood pressure and, therefore, it is a healthy diet.

The results obtained in another study, a study that, like many previous ones is not definitive due to the complexity of studying the real effects of diet on blood pressure, indicated that a diet rich in olive oil could produce a significant reduction in pressure systolic and diastolic blood vessels, especially in women with normal plasma cholesterol levels.

2. Protects against coronary heart disease

Likewise, according to a study carried out by Francisco José Sánchez-Muniz, taking olive oil  reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease. Precisely, due to the monounsaturated fat that is part of its composition. This is also synonymous with less cholesterol and, in particular, less LDL cholesterol. On the other hand, its high content of polyphenols that act as antioxidants, counteract free radicals.

3. Promotes weight loss

Extra virgin olive oil, as a source of healthy fat, is a resource that can help you lose weight. Hence, it is recommended to replace butter, lard, margarine and fried foods with extra virgin olive oil. For best results, it should be eaten raw, as a dressing for vegetables and salads. That is, as part of a healthy diet.

In conclusion…

Regular consumption of olive oil is a habit that promotes physical and mental well-being. Its healthy fat content, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds make it beneficial for the prevention of a wide variety of diseases.

In fact, it is a great option for patients who are trying to lose weight, as it ensures an adequate fat intake without affecting health. It also helps prolong the feeling of fullness and improves metabolism.

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