Causes And Simple Remedies For Red Eyes

Red eyes, or so-called ocular congestion, can arise from various causes. Allergies, continuous exposure to the computer or even touching our eyes with dirty hands can cause this painful reality that is sometimes so common.

Prevention and following good habits in our eyes are essential, hence we want to explain it to you and provide you with simple remedies.

There are many plants that can help us treat red eyes. It is true that you can go to the pharmacy and buy any eye drops, but it never hurts to know what Mother Nature can do for us.

Knowing the properties and ways of using many of them, they can become valuable allies in those moments when we need help. But let’s know a little more about the subject.

Why do we suffer from red eyes?

We must be clear that, before applying any eye drops or remedy, we must know the cause of the inflammation in our eyes. Not knowing the origin can make the situation even worse. Let’s see then what the causes may be:

Eye infection

Person with red eyes

It sure has happened to you sometime. Pain, irritation, that red tone staining our eyes … The danger of an eye infection is that it can lead to conjunctivitis, and it can quickly pass from one eye to another. But why can our eyes get infected?

The infection is caused by external agents, by small metals for example. Also by elements of nature to which we may be allergic, such as pollen or tree fluff, and even airborne dust.

And we have to take into account the cleanliness of our hands and the danger of rubbing our eyes with them when we have them dirty. You must also remember that the use of contact lenses can cause damage to our eyes. Care in handling and using them at the appropriate times is essential for eye health.

Very dry eyes

Woman with dry eyes

There are people who cannot humidify the eye well. E ste becomes dry and is more sensitive to the environment is impacted by the elements and ends with severe congestion.

The reason why our eyes do not have this essential moisture to be hydrated is sometimes related to some diseases. It will always be your doctor who gives you the proper diagnosis

Exposure to the computer screen

Another of the most common causes of redness in our eyes. The light from these devices – including cell phones – is very harmful to the organs of our vision. They get irritated, overloaded, it even makes us lose our sharpness. It is essential that you take short breaks when working with him.

Sleep a little

Dream related drawing

Does it surprise you? Lack of sleep can cause  very serious eye congestion, that’s right, and it also causes bags to appear under our eyes.

Sleeping little makes our defenses lower, we are more vulnerable to infections, we are not well oxygenated, the body suffers and it is very characteristic to wake up with red eyes. It sure has happened to you sometime.

Remedies to care for and treat your eyes

Witch hazel to treat red eyes

1. Natural rest for your eyes

When you have had a sleepless night, or have slept very little, a simple remedy to alleviate the inflammation of your eyes is the use of cold compresses and warm compresses on the eyes.

Soak a small towel with very cool water, and let it fall for five minutes on your face, over your eyes. Then do the same with a washcloth but this time soaked in warm water – not hot. This activates the circulation of your eyes.

2. Witch hazel infusion

A very simple remedy. You only have to make an infusion with a few leaves of witch hazel. Once the cup you have obtained has settled, you can moisten a cotton ball and leave it for a few seconds on the affected eye.

Allow your eyeball to moisten with this infusion. Witch hazel is the best plant to treat red eyes.

3. Carrot slices

Carrot is ideal for eye decongestion. Its properties have always been very suitable to take care of our eyes, so do not miss the opportunity to try this remedy.

To do this, you must boil a carrot, and then let it cool. Next, cut two thin slices and place them on your eyes for ten minutes. You can repeat this action about three times a day, cutting new portions of the carrot. It will help you a lot, it decongests and reduces inflammation.

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