Chocolate, Coffee And Caramel Flan

Of all the desserts that can be made for a special day, flan is the one with the fastest recipe and can be prepared almost without warning. But so that you don’t always make the typical egg flan, here we show you the chocolate, coffee and caramel flan, a dessert that will delight all your guests, even the little ones.

This reinvention of the classic dessert will help you surprise your guests even if they arrive unexpectedly. Prepare the chocolate, coffee and caramel flan and amaze your guests. But be careful, if they try it they will come back …

Chocolate, coffee and caramel flan recipe


  • 225 ml of freshly brewed coffee
  • 350 ml of liquid cream
  • 225 g of chocolate for desserts
  • 120g sugar
  • 6 large eggs
  • Liquid candy


  • Coffee maker
  • Flan mold
  • 1 saucepan
  • 1 spatula
  • Rods
  • Deep oven dish


biscuit flan

  • First, prepare the coffee in the usual way, in the coffee machine, so that about 225 ml of coffee comes out.
  • Second, caramelize the bottom of the flan mold. For this, you can use purchased liquid caramel or make it homemade.
  • Afterwards, pour the prepared coffee into a medium saucepan and heat it over a low heat.
  • Then add the chocolate well chopped with the sugar.
  • When the chocolate begins to melt, stir well with a spatula until all the ingredients are mixed and a very thick creamy mixture is formed .
  • Next, remove the saucepan from the heat and reserve.
  • In a separate bowl, beat three whole eggs and three yolks, until well integrated and a foamy mixture forms. Leftover whites can be used for another recipe.
  • When the chocolate and coffee mixture has cooled, pour the beaten eggs into the saucepan and beat with a whisk until all the ingredients are well integrated  and a uniform cream is left.
  • Then pour the mixture over the caramelised mold previously prepared.
  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Place the filled flan molds in a dish that can be put into the oven, filled with water and taking care not to leave the dish or enter the flan molds, but so that the water reaches more than half of the mold.
  • Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Check that they are well done before taking them out.
  • Let them cool slightly and put them in the fridge to rest for several hours before unmolding them.

Data of interest:

  • Difficulty: medium
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Cook time: 45 minutes
  • To make homemade caramel, place the same amount of water as sugar in the mold (it depends on the size of the mold) and hold over the fire (or glass ceramic. Induction is not valid because it should not touch the fire) with the help of gloves. cook, and move the mold in circular motions until the sugar melts and dissolves with the water. Also make sure that the mixture covers the entire bottom of the pan and remove from heat.
  • With the remaining egg whites, you can make a meringue or cake of whites.

Delicious recipe for chocolate flan with coffee caramel


  • 125 g of dark chocolate
  • 40 ml milk
  • 20 ml of cream
  • 170 g sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 4 eggs
  • 175g sugar
  • 10 ml of espresso


  • A pan
  • A container to cook in a bain-marie
  • A saucepan
  • A rod
  • A bowl
  • Flan molds



  • First, preheat the oven to 150ºC.
  • Then melt the chocolate in a water bath. Reserve.
  • Then boil the milk, the cream, half the sugar and the open and scraped vanilla bean in a saucepan.
  • When it starts to boil, lower the heat and let the mixture warm.
  • Then remove the vanilla bean and add the melted chocolate, stirring with a rod until smooth.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar.
  • Then add the mixture of eggs to the chocolate and stir again with the rods until a uniform mixture is formed.
  • Besides, mix the sugar and coffee in a saucepan and bring to a simmer.
  •  Next, make a caramel that is not too runny.
  • Cover the base of the flan molds with the caramel and let it cool a little so that it does not mix with the flan.
  • Subsequently fill the flaneras with the chocolate mixture, without filling to the end.
  • Then cook the custards at 150ºC for between 25 and 30 minutes.
  • Let your chocolate flan cool before unmolding.

Data of interest:

  • Difficulty: medium
  • Preparation time: 45 minutes
  • Cook time: 10 minutes

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