Citrus Allergy: Symptoms, Treatment And Recommendations

Citrus allergy usually presents with a typical symptomatology that makes its diagnosis easy. It is a rare problem, but one that can affect the diet. It should be borne in mind that these foods are capable of providing important nutrients, such as vitamin C.

In the citrus group we find a large number of fruits that present a significant concentration of citric acid inside, such as lemon, grapefruit and oranges. This element is characterized by its antioxidant power and it is advisable to consume it regularly.

Causes of citrus allergy

The phenomenon known as citrus allergy occurs because the immune system interprets certain proteins found in these foods as harmful and that act as antigens. From the first exposure there is a defense response that presents with varied symptoms.

It is believed that there may be a genetic component that determines the appearance of this allergy, although it is also influenced by environmental reasons, such as excessive hygiene or low exposure to these products. In fact, experts say that taking too many cleaning measures on these fruits may be one of the underlying reasons.

Citrus fruits.

Symptoms of the disorder

After ingesting citrus fruits, the allergic person begins to develop characteristic symptoms. The appearance of red spots on the skin or itching stands out. If this is the case, it is important to obtain an antihistamine with a medical prescription. This reduces the inconvenience caused.

It must also be taken into account that consuming a food that causes an allergic reaction can lead to the appearance of diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas and even vomiting. Although these signs will depend on the degree of intensity of the reaction itself.

Citrus allergy diagnosis

Diagnosis of allergy is made by exposure to food and subsequent measurement of immunoglobulins in the blood. Sometimes, it is enough to generate contact with the product in question, as this causes the appearance of skin irritation.

However, there are cases in which it is necessary for the person to ingest a small sample to assess how certain biochemical parameters related to the functioning of the immune system are altered.

Alternatives to citrus

Once the problem is diagnosed, it is necessary to avoid the presence of citrus in the diet, as it could put health at risk. However, this does not mean reducing the intake of antioxidants. These compounds have been shown to be capable of neutralizing the formation of free radicals.

It is important to avoid the ingestion of sauces, since many of them usually contain lemon or orange in their composition. They can be substituted for vinaigrettes or homemade dressings that do not contain citrus.

It must also be taken into account that the contribution of vitamin C is capable of ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients . To ensure that dietary requirements are met, it is advisable to increase the presence of the pepper or resort to the use of supplements if necessary.

Vitamin C from citrus.

Citrus allergy treatment

At present, there is no treatment that has been shown to be effective in eliminating allergy to citrus fruits. With pharmacological help, the symptoms can be controlled, but this is not a solution, since damage can be generated internally.

Different treatments based on immunotherapy are being tested with the aim of offering a solution in the future. However, they are not currently available to the general public and are in the experimental phase.

Citrus allergy is a rare disease

Fortunately, allergy to citrus has a low incidence at the population level. It is a pathology that can condition the diet and that has no solution today.

In the case of being diagnosed, it is necessary to ensure that this does not affect the intake of vitamin C. For this, it is recommended to increase the intake of peppers or go to the specialist to assess the supplementation with some product that contains the nutrient.

If a deficiency occurs, it could cause a malfunction of the immune system, as well as problems in the absorption of iron at the intestinal level. For this reason, if you suspect that you may have a citrus allergy, go to a specialist to carry out the relevant diagnostic tests.

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